Chapter 7

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The strong tang of blood cascades my lips and I hold on, piercing my teeth through the vibrating tube within the elk's neck. She doesn't have time for a scream before she goes limp in my mouth. The weight of her great body drags me down with her, and she hits the frosted ground with a loud thud that makes the small pebbles jump up around her. I immediately let go of her throat and raise my head, looking around for possible predators. I smile as I look around. The top of the cliff curves downwards, large boulders crumbling into small pebbles until it reaches the valley down below where the trees surround each side. Beyond that, the great smooth road carves its way through the landscape. Occasionally, a creature will pull their much smaller metal beast up beside the road and hop out with a small rectangle on three legs, but other than that they don't disturb me. As I lean down to take a bite from the elk, a howl sounds from below in the valley. I straighten immediately to see a night black wolf down in the valley.

"Wow, That was amazing! I've never seen a wolf take down an elk on their own before! You really are amazing, female wolf." Namda stands just at the border of my territory, his tail wagging and a large smile on his face.

I close my eyes, groaning. Why is he still here? With a longing glance at the elk, I turn my whole body around to face him. I open my mouth to yell, but I realize I'd end up howling in order for him to hear me. So, stealing away my hunger, I dash down the hillside towards the border.

"Oh, I get a personal greeting!" Namda remains relaxed, his fur smooth on his back even as I run closer. As I force myself to a stop, he waves his tail slightly from side to side.

"Why are still here? I told you to scram." I lift my lips in warning, peeling back my ears. "I've smelled you around the edge of my territory, you're scaring away the other suitors, they think I already have a mate."

He tilts his head, a small smirk on his face. "You already do. In fact, you have two." He leaps back with a laugh as I aim a bite at him.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sigh, looking around. "Where's Lamda? He's always nearby."

Namda chuckles. "You know us so well, female wolf! He's in the forest." Namda's gaze falls on the trees and he looks back at me, tilting his head.

I glare at him. "Why aren't you with him? Why are you here?" I raise my head to the sky, lowering my shoulders. "Why are you two still here? I'm not going to be your mate, go find someone else."

Namda frowns. "Why not? If there's something you aren't interested in tell me so I can at least try to accommodate to your desires."

I raise my ears slowly, my glare disappearing. "It's the same with all of you. None of you actually care about me, you just want to start a pack. I want someone who cares."

Namda only meets my eyes. Then, he looks to the forest where Lamda supposedly was. "Well, I'm not leaving." He sits down, still just outside of my territory. "At least tell me your name so I don't have to call you female wolf."

I tilt my head, considering. I guess it wouldn't hurt to give him my name. "My name is Merda. I'm from the Lava Creek pack."

He nods, a small smile forming across his lips. "Thank you, Merda."

I open my mouth, and to my surprise it takes effort to get the words out. So instead of responding, I just nod.

"I can leave now if you want." Namda gets to his feet, casting another glance to the forest. "Hopefully Lamda found something to eat." He dips his head to me. "Enjoy your meal. That really was stunning. You're one special wolf, Merda."

Though it wasn't exactly what Ruan said, his voice still echoes in my head when Namda tells me this. I promised Ruan I would find someone who thought the same as he had, but I still wasn't sure if Namda cared for me. Yet, I didn't want to let him go. Not before he got a chance to prove himself and how far his affection really went.

"Go to your brother and see if he's caught something. If he hasn't, I have meat to spare. Of course I won't give you much, but something is better than nothing." I look away from him, turning to go back through the valley.

"Merda?" I hear his voice and turn my head around to look at him with raised eyebrows. He ducks his head. "Thank you."

I'm about to nod my head when the familiar sound of wind being blown about comes from beyond the cliff top. Namda immediately scrambles to his feet, ears perked. I look around the valley. We're both revealed with not enough time to reach the cover of the forest. Not before they get one of us.

I turn to look at him. "They're only after me, not you. Go get Lamda, I'll be okay. They always return any wolf they shoot. They all have a strange thing around their neck, but all of them have been fine."

"In that case," Namda steps into my territory and my eyes widen.

"What are you doing?" I step back as the growing sound of blades cut through the air.

"I'm saving you. You said wolves have been fine. So I'll be fine too. Go, Merda." His eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile.

The great metal beast cascades over the cliff. With a nod at Namda I turn tail and run for the trees. The last thing I see before the forest hides the scene from view are furless creatures pouring out around Namda.

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