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Loud cries had been coming from the den at the edge of the pack all morning, and all the wolves were full of energy. Some were tussling about the clearing while others paced around, ears perked towards the den. But one stood just outside the den, tail held high and ears turned forward. He was waiting to see his mate and newborn pups. His pups would carry on the legacy of the pack, he had no doubt in that. Though most of the pups would split off, they would still carry on the packs legacy. In that, he was sure. As he came from his thoughts, his ears fell back. The whimpering from the den had stopped.

Eagerly, he nosed his way past the open roots and dove into the den. Through the dim light and musty earth, he could make out the forms of his mates pups. Damp and sticky, they wriggled around nearby his mate as she turned to lick them each.

"A fine bunch aren't they?" Tired and exhausted, she still managed to flash a proud smile at her mate. They were so small, and she loved each of them dearly.

"This one has your slender form." Gently, he nudged the pup his mate was licking with his nose. The pup let out a squeak, and moved its head towards his touch.

"I bet they'll all have your fur." She murmured, smiling as the pup moved its head around in confusion when it couldn't find her mates nose. In the pile of wriggling bundles, one pup stood out. Tail thrashing, and nose wiggling, she pushed her way to her mothers side.

"That one. She's . . ." He cut off, not knowing how to put it. He'd never seen a female like her before. She was built almost like a male, and her legs rippled with power. She didn't have the same charcoal color marking as the other ones, instead she adorned a raccoon-like chocolate marking around her eyes. Even with her eyes closed, she still turned towards him as if sensing his eyes on her.

"Oh, I see you've noticed Merda." His mate laughed, flicking out a light red tongue. With a smile, she gently licked the back of the young wolf's mane.

"Merda?" He met the pups closed eyes with his own. Merda seemed to be very interested in him, unlike the rest of the pups who were all cowering around their mother waiting for milk.

"Do you not like it? I can change her name." His mate offered, rolling onto her side. All the pups yelped in excitement as they stumbled onto her. all except Merda who was still turned intently toward her father.

"No, it's a perfect name." Trying not to scrape the top of the den, he leaned his snout closer to Merda. "Merda, huh?" Gently, he bumped noses with the pup. "I have a feeling you'll be a great leader one day."

Merda reached a paw to his snout and kept it there, holding his gaze. The bold movement shocked him, but he remained there until Merda took away her paw. He surveyed the other pups that were now lying about, their bellies full of milk, and watched in interest as Merda scrambled on top her mother and began sucking.

"Smart too." He observed as he watched Merda fill herself without having to battle her siblings.

His mate laughed at this and used her tail to curl the pups close to her. "I'm sure Huyung will be thrilled."

It was his turn to laugh. "Doubtful. He's planning on being leader you know."

"I know."

Silence fell upon the den as both wolves shared the same thought. If Huyung were to become leader, what would happen to them?

"But perhaps it won't be as easy as he thinks." His mate declared with a look at Merda.

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