Chapter 6

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It was a Sunday night and Alan and Cameron were both in the living room some football game playing but Alan wasn't really paying much attention because he wasn't really into sports at all. Cameron was comfortable as ever reclined in his big chair and an ice cold beer in his hand cheering at the appropriate times when the team he was rooting for scored some points.

Alan on the other hand was lost in his own world thinking about the events of last night when connecting with Austin about California, it made him miss home even more. That's where his family resided and where he grew up and he had the best memories ever there, his bestfriend Tony lived there as well as a couple of other friends. He kind of regrets letting Cameron talk him into moving here to Wisconsin because of his job, he absolutely hated it here and hated the weather even more and there wasn't much to do. Most of all though he misses his friends so much and the wild stuff they would get into and he misses playing music with them too that was his favorite thing to do. Him and his bestfriend Tony played guitar so they would often find themselves jamming almost every time they were together it was so much fun and they'd find themselves lost in the music all the time playing for hours on end. 

He had took his guitar with him of course but he didn't really have much time to play it though because of all the other stuff he was doing and Cameron also didn't like the music he played, because he wasn't really a rock fan so he'd always get annoyed so Alan just learned to put it away. It was tough though but he got over it, but he was tempted a lot to bring it out when he got upset. Which was pretty common now the further him and Cameron got in there relationship, Alan wasn't happy here but he'd stay to make Cameron happy and try and make his life easier because he was a people pleaser. It wasn't like living here was all bad, Cameron had his good days but those were incredibly rare and they only happened when he wasn't swapped with work related stuff. Today was one of those days because he had the day off and it was a football night after all so he was extra relaxed. 

"Alan c'mere." Cameron says and he gestures for the ginger boy to come over to him. 

Alan rolls over off the couch and he takes small steps to the other boy and Cameron pulls him into his lap and gives him a kiss. " I love you." He says and with his opposite hand he takes another sip of beer. 

The ginger haired boy smiles timidly at Cameron and he returns the phrase with a kiss to his cheek " I love you too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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