Chapter 1

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Alan was born into a relatively rich family his mom being a lawyer, and his father being a doctor. The ginger wasn't a spoiled child, never much of a crier either. He was a 'perfect child' as most people would say but as the boy grew older he became more rebellious as you could say.

Personally, Alan didn't think he was that bad as an teenager he didn't do drugs and he rarely drunk alcohol because he did not want to be known as a disgrace to his family. So the ginger kept a good reputation on his family because he knew his parents would personally tear him limb from limb if he didn't. The short ginger was more of a people pleaser than anything, it was kind of his specialty and lots of people loved that about him, he put others before himself and that's what made him so loveable along with his cuteness.

The ginger was unique with his awesome guitar skills, loving personality, and beautiful features. He was breath taking gorgeous with his full lips, button nose, long lashes, and his luscious hair. The ginger also had tattoos which kind of switched his whole image to kind of like a more rocker type of guy, but he's as sweet honey once you get to know him.

"Alan!" The ginger felt a finger being jabbed into his side and he squirmed under the touch and scrunched up his nose and let out a groaning noise. "Alan." Another jab in the side made the boy flutter his lashes and his brown eyes suddenly shot open and he was met with a pair of green eyes staring right back at him.

Sitting up, the ginger let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand ridding some of the sleep from his eyes . "Morning Alan. You need to get dressed and head out the store to grab some groceries." Cameron sat up to his full 6'1 height and straightened out his suit with his hand, combing a hand through his slightly quiffed hair the older boy walked away and headed upstairs to probably grab his suitcase for work.

The younger boy let out a sigh and ran a tattooed hand over his face before sitting up and swinging his legs over the coach, after stretching and rolling his stiff muscles around the ginger stood to his feet and headed towards the downstairs bathroom to brush his teeth and get dressed.


Alan was scanning the isles in the store and he glanced down at the list he had and frowned at the Multi-Wheat cereal that was written in messy hand writing. That was the only cereal that Cameron wanted and Alan hated the disgusting healthy cereal, and he knew he would be in trouble if he bought anything extra that wasn't on the list.

The ginger scanned the different cereals and he looked on the top shelf seeing the stupid Mini Wheat's cereal, he glared at the box realizing that he was to short to reach it and he couldn't jump up and reach it because it was the last 2 boxes pushed all the way to the back. Letting out a grunt the ginger looked around the small isle and tried to find someone relatively tall so he could ask them if they could get it for him.

His brown eyes scanned the small isle and his eyes landed on a lanky brunette who was wearing an sweater that had the Slipknot symbol, and a pair of black jogging pants. The brunette seemed to be looking at the fruit bars at the end of the isle and Alan let out a small sigh and pushed his basket to the side of isle so it wouldn't be in the way of other people.

Alan took small steps until he approached the man and he was standing on the left of him and he glanced down seeing that on his knuckles he had the words Live, Love tattooed on his skin in a beautiful cursive design. Timidly the ginger tapped the mans shoulder and he had to stand on his tippy toes a little bit to even reach that high. The brunette turned his head to the left and a friendly smile appeared on his face when he saw Alan standing there "Can I help you?" The brunette asked, softly and Alan nodded.

" I cant reach the cereal over there," Alan pointed to the shelves where the Mini Wheat's were and he put his hands in front of himself and connected his fingers together "And I was wondering if you could grab it for me." The ginger explained and the tall, beanie wearing brunette let a soft, airy chuckle pass his lips and he nodded before speaking.

"Sure. You said down there right?" The brunette asked and pointed in the direction Alan did with his free hand while the other held on to the basket, pushing it out of the way of others.

"Yup." The ginger popped the p "Thanks dude." The brunette gave another bright smile making the ginger crack a small grin and the 2 headed down the isle, the stranger trailing behind Alan.

Alan didn't notice that the stranger was checking him out from behind though.


'See you on the outside'


Credit For Fanart @AloveLikeWhatmention a user

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