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Chin-Hwa p.o.v

"D-Daddy...I'm sleepy." We heard a voice and turn to see (y/n).

She looked so adorable. I remember years back when she screamed and cried for a whole month for a person named Dave. But she completely forgot him now that we kept her away from him for a whole year now.

I bend down and smile at her. "Come here, sweetie." I held my arms out.

She walks straight to my arms and sleeps on me. "So about this project Mr. Jung." My assistant spoke.

"Ah, let's see if the cell will make a copy of itself by its own," I said.


"Okay, I need to go. Remember to put everything away neatly and no mess. Lock the door." I say and walk out the door.

I worked with the government and I was a scientist. So we stayed away from the public but sometimes we got to go to different countries.

I got to our room and I put (y/n) in her bed. "Sleep, tight baby." I put her blanket on and get changed for bed.

"So this-"

"WHERE IS SHE?! YOU PROMISED I COULD SEE HER IN THE SUMMER!" A blonde boy with shades yelled at my boss.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Boss gave him a cold stare.

"Dave calm the fuck down!" A troll tried to pull back his friend.

"Karkat let me go! They promised I could see her in the summer." He yelled.

I went to check up on my daughter. She was learning with a personal teacher. I knock on the door and (y/n) saw me. "How was learning?"

"It was fine. How was your day?" She answered and I kissed her cheek.

"Boring as usual. I missed you." I pick her up.

"Aw, I missed you a lot too! Dad, can we go to the park today?"  She asked.


We walked to the park that was around our building. I started to play with (y/n). "DADDY CATCH ME!" She yelled.

I caught her from the monkey bars and she landed in my arms. She giggled cutely. I snuggle her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

Dave p.o.v

"(Y/n)?" I see a creature playing with a human.

"DADDY CATCH ME!" She yelled.

"Karkat look it's (y/n)!" I yelled.

We start to run to the playground. "(Y/n)!" I yell.

"Well let's go, sweetie." He walks away with her.

"(Y/n)!" I yell louder but she doesn't look my way.

"I love you."

"I love you too daddy."

I stopped running. Did she forget me already?

(Y/n) p.o.v

I walk to my room and see daddy sleeping peacefully. I jump on the bed and grab a blanket. I then jump down and jump on his desk. I put the cover on him carefully and kiss his forehead. "Good night daddy." I sleep on top of him.

I sat on my bed as dad packed our stuff. "When are we leaving?" I ask him.

"Today honey, did you forget?"

Karkat Vantas X  Dave Strider X pet reader Where stories live. Discover now