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Dave p.o.v
It's been like 4 weeks and (y/n) cast came off. She was more jumpy and nicer.
"Dad!" I heard her scream from the room.

"What?" I ask as I came in.

"This shirt is small for me." She held up her favorite shirt.

"Well lets go buy a new one." I said.

"Okay!" She smiles and puts one of my shirt on. "Is this fine?"

"You look cute!" I grab her and head out the door.


We came back and she had a bunch of cloths and I bought her a pair of shades like mine! "What are we going to do today?" She asks.

"We are going to watch Tv and get fat!" I smile at her.

"Yay! Then can we to the aquairam, tomorrow with daddy?" She asks. "You promised me but we never went." She gives me a sad look.

"Yes, we'll go to the aquarium with Karkat tomorrow. And this time I promise." I held out my pinkie and she held out her small paw. We shook it.

***The next day!***

(Y/n) p.o.v
I woke up really early this morning. I was happy that we were going to the aquiraum or aquarium today. I really don't know which one but we are going to see the sea animals!

I saw Dave sleeping and he was snoring. His shades were on the floor and I picked it up and put it on his drawer. Well I threw it on his drawer. Then I jumped on his bed and on him. He groans and rubs his eyes to look at me. I look at his red eyes and smile at him.

"Dave get up! Lets go now." I yell.

He grabs me and puts me on the side. He sits up and stretches. "Okay lets just call karkitty and eat breakfast." He scratches his back.

"Okay but hurry up slow poke." I laugh and run to the living room. I hear him chuckle.

I sit on the couch with the control watching (f/show). Then I heard the door bell, "can you please open that (y/n)?" Dave asks.

"Okay." I get down and walk to the couch and open it. I see Karkat and he smiles at me.

"How are you (y/n)?" He picks me up and closes the door behind him.

"I'm fine, but do you know that we are going to the aqurium?" I ask.

"Its aquarium (y/n)." Dave walk in without his shades. "Hey babe."

"Hi Dave." Karkat puts me down and walk to Dave and they kiss. Then I hear him say something. "What's a aqurium?"

"Its aquarium. Karkitty." Dave corrects him.

"Oh. Well are you ready to go or not?" Karkat asks.

"Yeah I just changed but (y/n) needs to change." I hear him say.

"(Y/n) go change." Karkat yells.

"Okay!" I run to the room and change clothes. I come out.

Dave and Karkat turn to look at me and smile. "Well someone looks hot." Dave said, I was confused.

"It's not hot here Dave, it's cool." I corrected him.

Karkat Vantas X  Dave Strider X pet reader Where stories live. Discover now