Mr. Shade is back!

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Dave p.o.v
"You are good mr. Strider." The nurse said.

"Finally I can get out of this damn hospital." I said.

She smiles at me and I stretch. I walk out the hospital and decide to surprise everyone. Especially (y/n) and Karkat. I went to the store first and bought Karkat a new romcom he has been dying to see. I also bought (y/n) (fav. Stuffed animal.). They were both gonna love it!

(Y/n) p.o.v
  I woke up and Karkat arms were around me. "Dave." He mumbled.

I got out of his arm and then I heard the door bell ring. I got down from Karkat bed. I walked to his door. I couldn't reach his door knob, so I jumped but it was no use. I went to the window and saw a blonde guy standing there.

He noticed me and waved at me. I was still sleepy but that strange guy smiled at me. I soon realized that it was Dave. "DAVE!" I yell happily and jump up.

"Open the door." He said.

I run in Karkat room. "Daddy Dave is here!" I yell.

"Dave is here! Open the door!" I jump on him.

"Jeez you don't have to jump on me. Who is this dwarf?" He asked and rubbed his eyes.

I look at him in confusion. "Who is dwarf?" I ask.

"I don't know you said that not me." He yawned.

"No I said Dave." I corrected him.

"Oh shoot Dave is here?!" Karkat quickly gets up and throws the cover on me.

Dave p.o.v
Shit what is taking them so fucking long? Aren't they happy to see me? I was about to knock down the door but the door opened and Karkat jumped at me. "YOU SHIT HEAD! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME YOU WERE COMING." Karkat said and I chuckled.

"I wanted to surprise you." I say. "Where is (y/n)?" I ask.

"Oh shit. I left her in the room." He turns red.

"Oh so you left our baby by herself? What a bad father." I smirk.


"It's not a school it's a aquarium." I corrected.

"Whatever." He grumbled.

I laugh and walk towards his bedroom. When I got there I saw (y/n) struggling to get out of the cover. I laugh and watch her. She whimpered and it sounded so adorable. She raised an ear and got excited. "Dave?" She asked.


"Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm in front of you." I respond.

"Where?" She asked and started to sniff the air under the cover.

"Take the cover off and you'll see me."

"I can't. I'm confused." She said and started to struggle.

Why is so damn hard for her to get out? Then she made it. She made it to the end of the cover. She peeked her little head out and looked around.

Once she saw me she had a big beautiful smile on. "DAVE!" She smiled and jumped at me.

"Damn what's with everyone jumping at me." I ask.

"Cuz they miss you asshole." Karkat answered.

"Did you miss me kitty?" I ask.

"Of course I did." He answered.

"Why didn't you just visit me?" I ask

"I had a lot of things to do and a lot of sleep to catch on." He answered.

I look at (y/n), she kept me up sometimes. I bend down at her level. "Did you keep daddy awake?" I ask.

"It's not my fault he doesn't have enough energy. Kankri said that he had a lot of energy." I said.

"Kankri?" Karkat growled.

He went to Kankri room and opened it. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TELL (Y/N) I HAD A LOT OF ENERGY?" He asked.

They started to fight and I roll my eyes. "Are we gonna go to the aquarium?" (Y/n) suddenly asked.

"Yes, that why I came here for. I needed my little kit kat and (n/n)." I answer.

She jumps on me and stands on my shoulders. "Yes! Let's go now!"

I chuckle. "Let eat first and then we'll go to the aquarium."

"I'm not hungry." She protest.

I grab (y/n) and hold her in my arms. Like a mother would with her child. "I'm pretty sure you are hungry."

"No I'm not." She made a cute face. "I ate in my dreams so I don't need to eat now."

"What? How did you eat in your dream?" I ask.

"Well I was dreaming of a picnic with you and daddy." She explains.

I listen as she explains her weird dream.

Karkat Vantas X  Dave Strider X pet reader Where stories live. Discover now