Caretaker Part 2

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This is not my own story. The original story goes to hogablah02 ( ).

(Piture goes to yooi )

I returned home later that evening, stressed from work, and still missing my nipples. I checked during my lunch break. I flung the door to my apartment open and immediately shed my outermost layer of clothes, dumping them on the nearby chair. Then, I had to stop and stare.

My apartment was... clean. Tidy. Everything was organized and in its' proper place. The dishes were done, the trash had been taken out, and all the clothes strewn about were gone. "Whoah. Elandris?" I called. She must have done this.

"Yes, mistress?" Elandris walked in. She was still naked, though I guess I hadn't expected her to change that without me telling her.

"You cleaned all of this mess up?" I asked. "That must have taken so much work! And just one day?"

"It's a lot easier with some magic." Elandris grinned. She stretched her arms out, and suddenly, she had four arms. "See?"

"That's awesome." I marveled. "Thank you. Seriously."

"Of course, mistress." Elandris laughed, as her two extra arms disappeared. "It's what you wished for, after all." Elandris picked up my discarded clothes and folded them up neatly. "I'll wash these later."

"I suppose so." I mused. "This is awesome. You're awesome." I grinned. "I was kind of out of it this morning, but all that stuff you did... magic is awesome."

Elandris simply laughed again. "Think nothing of it."

"Could I have my nipples back now?" I asked, stripping off my shirt and bra, exposing my smooth breasts. "It felt strange to go around without them." I look like a mannequin.

"Certainly." Elandris gently rubbed her fingers against each of my breasts, and my nipples returned to existence. "Was this helpful, though?"

"Oh, yeah. Not having to worry about them was... relaxing. I might have you keep doing that for me every day." I grinned. I quickly felt my breasts, confirming that my nipples were in place once more.

"Not a problem, mistress." Elandris bowed. That looked odd. Like she was trying to be graceful, but just... wasn't.

"I noticed that your body is... like that too." I motioned to Elandris's breasts, which have been devoid of nipples since she first appeared. Her crotch too, was blank, leaving her looking like a doll.

"Well, I don't really have need of your sexual characteristics, nor clothing, so I decided this appearance would be somewhat decent." Elandris gestured to her body.

"But... then why do you have breasts at all?" I asked, quizzically.

"Um..." Elandris stammered. Her pleasant, graceful demeanor seemed to falter. This wasn't the first time it's happened. She especially seemed smug whenever she was showing off her magic, earlier.

"Did you just want to have breasts? Are you... just trying to be all graceful and stuff? Calling me mistress and all... it seems a little... forced?" I ventured a guess.

Elandris bit her lip. "...yes." She finally admitted. "But that's how genies are supposed to be. Subservient and pleasing."

The sadness in her voice tugged at my heartstrings, reminding me of similar hardships I had had in my youth with trying to fit in. "Oh, dear." I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "You don't have to do all that for me, Elandris. I promise, I don't care if you call me mistress or act all proper or anything."

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