Chapter 12

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Charlotte Pov

"You should let him in." Alexander stood at the foot of my bed why I remained curled in the foetal position. I shared a glance to him, feeling the wetness of my tears that streak my cheeks. "He was going to use Christina for this. He would have taken my child and they would have raised it together." He stares at a ring on his finger.

"Why? Couldn't you raise your child without him?" I sat up and tucked my legs to my chest only to get a sharp pain in my stomach when I did so. Great. Alexander said now I'm aware of the pregnancy the perception filter should where off and I will experience what's last of my pregnancy. "I couldn't save Christina because I was always out killing Demons and humans, who does that leave for her to talk to?" He glances over his shoulder and then returns to look at the ring.

"Orpheius. You would have been busy so that's where he comes in?" The skin around my stomach tightens at the thought of Orpheius stealing his brothers child. "Exactly."

"I guess it took me this long to realise he shouldn't be allowed to do this to you. But now it's too late." Don't worry, I've taken care of it.

"What do I do, Alex?" I whimper, my eyes trying to meet his to see any possible answer or explanation I may have missed. "Anything you can. He deceived you and now it's time to play him at his own game."
I have no idea who I can trust in this game. Orpheius is a definite no now and Alexander, I can't make up my mind. It's like the first night I had met him, he hid in the darkness surrounded by danger and I yet I wanted to know more. Another knock signalled Orpheius hadn't give up trying yet.

Extern narrator

"I have to go but I promise I'll be back tonight." Orpheius watches his brother kiss his one true love on the cheek and shift out of the doorway. Christina glanced at her stomach with a sad look on her face. "What if he doesn't comeback?"

"Of course he will, he's a Blackwood and knows what he is doing. This war won't last forever." The king attempts to convince her, packing his own stuff into his bag. Orpheius believed it unfair that Alex had embraced his demons before he did but at least it gave him one thing. That one thing will eventually bring Orpheius more power than he could ever know. "Okay, we will be back in a few days, don't answer the door-"

"I'm not a child, Orpheius." She laughed and awaited the kiss that Orpheius placed on her forehead. The boys had now left to help aid their realm in the war and Christina was left with her own thoughts in a house that could create whatever she wanted. "Wynsor?" She called out and like always the butler came trotting in with the same smile he always were.

"Yes, my lady." He bowed ever so slightly and Christina giggled with an amused look. She found it preposterous that somebody had to bow down to her, after all before this she was a maid herself. "Will you please serve the tea in the library?" Wynsor nodded and disappeared down the hall that had so much more mystery than met the eye. Christina entered the library she had grown so fond of. She would often sit in here with Orpheius and Alexander and listen to them read a loud to her. A steel tray, rested near the gigantic window, with the tea still piping hot sat on the table.

Taking a cup for herself she knelt by the fire that was crackling with every burning log. Christina continued to read Romeo and Juliet that Orpheius had read to her only a day early. The idea of dying for the one you love was something that fascinated her and overwhelmed her with emotions. Though time was slower in the house it seemed like an hour later when a loud knock shattered the silent house. Christina rose to her feet and uncrumpled her dress before walking into the foyer. The doors rattled with the loud banging and it raised confusion in her mind but she proceeded to open the door anyway. A mob of villagers stood outside with crosses and fires burning the Blackwood Crest. "It's their Queen!" The men all forced forward into the house, panic drove Christina to run back towards the door- any door that she could get to would have saved her. Her long dress followed behind her as she slammed the door to the library shut and as silence fell she thought she was safe. They could leave with whatever they wanted but as long they didn't harm her child there would be no threat. The banging started again but this time from behind the library door. "Open the door!" With one final shove she was pushed to the ground when the door flew open behind her. Christina scrambled to her feet but a villager dragged her by her hair.

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