Chapter 9

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Charlotte Pov

I went back to my room an hour ago and took a long shower that mainly ended with me crying. Is it normal to accept death? After reflecting on what has brought me to this moment where I am facing my own downfall, I decided would death be that bad? Alexander didn't turn out that bad and they both absorbed demons, granted Orpheius is now a ruthless killer but he is still a person.

"I hate my life." I mutter turning over in my bed to see the Latin book I had taken from the library. I grabbed it and flicked through the foreign pages, coming across the pictures that are clear as day every time I close my eyes. "Well, I'm not as innocent as she looks." I've clearly lost my mind because I'm talking to myself in the dead of night. I sit up straight and stare around my bedroom. Deciding sleep eludes me tonight, I got out of bed and approached the door, taking a deep breath before I enter.

"Orpheius." I walk through the door which is what most of my life surrounds around recently and notice him sleeping on his bed. I creep next to it and climb in next to him as if he knew I was coming he turned over and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Can't sleep." He whispered and I shook my head.

"Will it be painful?" I stutter and pull the covers over my body as we both readjust to get comfy. "Yes, but when you embrace them they have to submit to you no matter what."

"If you had the choice would you fight them or die?" I turn over so we are facing each other, Orpheius opens his eyes and I can only see the whites because his pupils are black. "I had the choice and I chose to embrace them but for me, it was about saving my brother and the realm."

"You just have to want it for the right reasons." I snuggle into his chest and breathe in the soft manly scent that always comes with Orpheius. What would my reasons be?

1) Fresh start
2) Time to be myself
3) Be in control
4) Who needs four reasons, three is enough for me?

Maybe I'm just bat crap crazy and lost my mind but I have decided my fate because I am in control. I think I waited a good two hours for Orpheius to fall back asleep before I slide out his hold and tip toe to the door. This will be the last time I go through this door partially human.

I enter the library and stare at the pitch black room, if I can't manifest my shadows this is sure to be a good place for them to create themselves. As I look blankly at my surrounding, I realise I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do. Call for us.

The voice is as clear as day but I know for a fact it was in my head.

"Demons, I'm ready." I say awkwardly in the silence but when the scratching of claws against wood breaks the ice I unknowingly back up towards the door. I changed my mind. I'm not ready. Orange eyes peer at me and the small squint tells me they are smirking. I rattle the door handle but it's locked. HOW CAN IT BE LOCKED?!

The demons climb up my body each one of their claws ripping a tiny bit of flesh from the bone. "We are to become one." The demons chant louder and louder as I try to fight them. I am in control. I am in control. I scream the loudest I have ever screamed and beg for the darkness to go away.

Orpheius POV

I open my eyes and sit bolt upright as the piercing scream echoes down the hidden halls of my castle. I instinctively reach out next to me.

Where the hell is Charlotte?

I hear the scream again, flinging my covers back I shift to the door in a cloud of black smoke. "Charlotte." I shout and open the door to a brick wall. I close it and press my ear against the dark wood. I can hear her whimpers as if she was next to me and the silent laughter of the demons which will consume her. She isn't ready.

"Charlotte, can you hear me?" I hit the door hard and wait for her to speak. She has to hear me. "Orpheius? Help me." The words break my heart because I know I can't get to her but I can already begin to feel her soul being pulled from its rightful body. Until the process is over, I will feel everything she feels. The merging will have the same affect on her too, I don't understand how we could have merged though because she isn't a full bread demon.

"Orpheius?" She whispers again and I know a tear is slipping down her cold face. "I can't. The door is locked." I lean my head against the door trying to shake the pain away from me. I shouldn't care? I'm the demon king, a soulless monster and don't care for such mortal beings. But she isn't just any human and I know one thing for sure is that we are now connected whether we want to be or not.

"What's going to happen?" I squeeze my eyes shut as her voice cracks. "You will be in darkness and the demon will fight you for control but you have to stay strong okay? You need to know why you want this, why you want to carry on living and why you want this control."

"And if I lose?" I can see the shadows underneath the door, ripping every inch of her apart and they will leave nothing but bone if thye win."You won't lose because you are strong, just focus on my voice."

"I'm scared."

"I know but I can't help you." I slide down the door and lean my back on it. What is going to happen Now?


Charlotte POV

I can hear nothing now but the laughter of the demons in my head. I know Orpheius is still behind the door, I know that much but I can't see anything. Not even the glow from the room he's in. "Stay strong." His voice registers in my head and a glimmer of hope flashes through me. The agony is excruciating but at those two words something dulls into a numbing pain. Maybe I can fight this? Maybe I am strong enough?

"Orpheius?" I call out, my voice being more hoarse than it sounds in my head. "Yes Princess." I hear him sniffle and even trapped in my own mind I know how he must look.

"Are you crying?" I press my back against the door to make sure I am still in the library. "No." He's lying, a perk of this merging crap allows me to feel that.

"Liar." I laugh a little and dig my finger nails into the floor boards,I hear him laugh back until I couldn't contain my scream and yelled loudly in agony.

"Princess, it's gonna be over soon, you just need to hang on a little longer." The wood splinters and cracks underneath me, I push my head against the door my body lifting with the amount of pressure I've put it under. "Submit!" I shout, kicking at the darkness, the red has invaded my vision and for some reason a smile graces my lips.

"Submit." I repeat and watch as the shadows begin to fall- no they're bowing. "Mistress." The door clicks open and Orpheius slips in trying not to move me to much. He crouches to my level and forces my eyes open which I already thought they were.

"I thought- thank god you're okay." The pad of his thumb brushes just under my eyes and the almost smile that appears on his face tells me I'm not a hollow shell. "Didn't you hear me?" I raise an eyebrow as he pulls me into his chest.

"I heard you screaming and begging for me to kill you?" Orpheius also raises an eyebrow and my confusion only deepens. Orpheius pulls me to my feet and the simple movement has me feeling like a child. Full of energy and my body feeling so fresh. "I feel great." He steadied me though I don't feel like I need to be- then again I thought I was shouting at the demons moments ago.

"Charlotte?" My legs give in and I collapse onto him. Orpheius can easily support me as he carries me into his bedroom and lays me down on his bed. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter but it was more of a filler to lead onto the next few chapters. There aren't many left so you should probably start to worry.


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