Chapter 10

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"My eyes burn so much." I lean forward looking into the bathroom mirror, my eyes look as though they are on fire and they honestly feel like it. I woke up about an hour ago, Orpheius wrapped securely around me, he hasn't slept all night and just lay with me. He explained I passed out because of stress and the intense situation had taken a toll on my body. "They will for the next two days, you just won't be able to hide them now." Orpheius switches the hot tap on and begins to fill up the bath. My new self is far from stunning but I look like I belong in the demon world now with a towel wrapped around me I continued to examine my body. He comes up behind me and leans over my shoulder.

"Why do I feel so close to you?" I close my eyes and lean back against him, he chuckles slightly. "Maybe because I'm stood behind you."

"You know what I mean." I argue, my eyes remaining closed as he takes a deep breath. "It's the merge, it completed when you won against your demons." I breathe in his scent and relax in his hold. This feels right.

"So what does it change between us?" I open my eyes and see him with a small smirk at my appearance but my question seemingly turns it down. "Nothing if you want." I hear the hesitation in his voice and his eyes meet mine.

"Would it be the worst thing in the world if things were to change between us?" I turn in his hold and look him in the eyes. "No. It wouldn't."  He leaned down and kissed my lips softly, I try to take it further but he suddenly pulls away.

"Although-" He doesn't get to finish before I grab his neck and bring his lips against mine once more. I feel him smile through it though he's trying not to. He grips my thighs and lifts me onto the bathroom counter pushing all of the products onto the floor and brushing his hands up my legs. Our lips move in sync as he pushes his hips forward slightly probably trying to release the bulge in his pants. "The baths full." I break the kiss. Orpheius glances to the bath and he frowns slightly before lifting me in his arms. He pulled the towel from my body and lowered me into the bath. Orpheius removed his clothes and climbed in after me, gloating a little because this isn't the first time I've seen him naked.

"We have some time to kill."


"How you feeling?" Orpheius pants from next to me causing me to let out a lazy laugh. "Tired." I reply snuggling into his chest.

"Well, I didn't go easy on you." He softly kisses my forehead but I could see the triumphant smile on his face.

A few hours later when we had recovered, Orpheius had to return to work and so I thought I'd seek out Alexander. He's unaware of what happened last night despite my screams probably made the entire realm hear me. I pulled the door open and saw Alexander on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. "Alex?"

"Hey-woah you-you look different. Erm did you- I dunno. I'll just stop talking." He smiled to himself when I laughed at his attempt to debunk my new appearance. "I take it you were the reason for the screaming last night." He chuckles to himself almost breathing a sigh of relief.

"I thought I dreamt it to be honest." Alex stood up and approached me, he looked closer at me and clearly noticed the change within me. "I have work today do you wanna tag along?" 

"Really?" I ask wide eyes, I thought he wouldn't allow me to come because it's too dangerous against demons- then again I am a demon now. "Yeah, why not. I bet you need to let off some steam?" I fought the urge to make a remark about his brother and practically bit back my tongue. I nodded and followed Alex to the door I had just come from. I never know where Alexander goes when he's working because I'm always faced with a brick door so my guess is that it's not in the house. When we enter the foyer the shadows that have been roaming around all night cloud to the side of the room away from us, I smile inwardly when I walk freely outside with Alexander. The light is blinding and I realise I haven't been outside in 5 days, sure I've been trapped in the illusions of the outside world but I haven't been in real daylight since then. However, instead of feeling the soft heat on my skin with the warm breeze that comes with it, I felt the firey tingles across my skin. "You'll get used to it."

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