The very beginning

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Light. Crisp smell. Fire. The small baby wearing green was left in the old pile of rubble. The house had burnt to the ground. The baby the only thing left. The only survivor.

Strong armoured figure, picking the small child up in his arms. Her eyes had a twinkle to them, he had her close to him. He was Seir, the general to a war camp. The camp held the brightest minds to learn to fight. Quickly galloping off into the distance with the child in arm.

Three years later...

Katie, that is her name. A high-elf destined to be great. Training at the age of 4 years with two long blades. He was above average with her skill. Beating even the best of youth soldier boys. Her eyes twinkled after every win. The fire of her past burning in her mind as she let go. Let go of her old self. Calming herself down as she crossed her legs and closed her eyes. The forest drawing her in. Curiosity overwhelming her mind as she traveled further only to be awoken from her slumber like meditation by Seir.
He always did like this child, as if he were her true father. He knew that someday he had to let her go.
"Katie, I and your father were great friends. Before he disappeared he said you were destined for greatness. Ever since I picked you up, I knew it was true." His voice stopped for a minute as the four year olds eyes changed colour slightly. Reflecting the bright green leaves then changing back to her usual fiery chestnut eyes.
"Since I know you will be fine, when you turn ten, I'll let you go into the forest, stay there and be its guardian if you wish." Katie's eyes shined brighter. He picked her up. Showing her to a group of boys. One was eleven, he had a white tuff of hair whilst the rest was black he was human. Another was eight, he had a black mullet and purple space like eyes he was a demon class, Calufage. His eyes fascinated her, she waddled closer to him, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him down to her level slightly, looking into his eyes. He had a warm smile to him.
"Your eyes are like space!" She yelled happily. He thought for a second.
"My eyes have been called many things, but space is the best thing I have heard so far!" The got yelled happily. Next to him was a boy. He was definitely water class demon. A Cuphume. He had bright blue eyes, like the bottomless ocean, and dark brown hair, her eyes roamed his flirtatious face.
"That reminds me, are you and alien?" She was confused at his question, "because you're out of this world-" her cheeks reddened. Seir stormed up to him,
"You said I could flirt with girls," the boy protested,
"Not my god-daughter." He yelled at him sternly. Katie only giggled as the redness went down on her cheeks. Finally one last boy in the group, a large boy. Brown eyes brown hair, basic and simple yet effective.
"I'm Katie, A double sword wielder. My house burnt down when I was only one year." They all looked pitifully at her. They all hugged together.
"We are gonna be a great team." The oldest stayed.

When she turned 10. (Her birthday)...

The forest only excited her more as today was her 10th birthday. Her family (Voltron squad) had greeted her with cake and gifts. Keith's gift (space like eyes) gave her two knew forest blades that cannot damage forests but critical damage on enemies.
"Thank you so much!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly, he tended up before hugging back. Shiro was next, the oldest of the group got her a new outfit. It was green. And like a normal dress yet padded with armour. Lance, the flirt, gave her gloves, armour gloves to protect her arms in battle if she lost her swords in battle to protect herself. Hunk, the large mum of the group, gave her special boots. They were leafs mounded into shoes, armoured leafs at that. Finally Sier, her godfather, gave her glasses.
"My darling god-child. I have waited many years to give these to you. These were your brothers glasses before the fire. He would have wanted you to have them." She hugged the whole group.
"This is my greatest birthday ever. Thank you all for my amazing gifts. If you need me call me on this ring." She handed them all a hand crafted ring, engineered to send a message to a crew member. They all smiled as they watched her wave and walk into the forest. Gliding into a calm state. The others smiled and walked to their territory.

6 years later...

"Voltron!" Shiro yelled. His territory was under attack. Keith came flying in on flames getting into battle quickly. Lance came swim-flying next, battle stance at the ready splashing the enemy to Keith's sword. Hunk came floating up with a piece of earth under him smashing it on ten soldiers heads. Finally Vines appeared, Katie climbing up them. The cloud territory wasn't as well protected as they thought. It had been many years since their territories had been attacked. Katie was knocking soldiers out left right and centre. Keith had killed many with the help of Klance- I mean Lance. Shiro was flying quickly as he helped Hunk defeat more of them. They were doing fine, until he showed up.
"Well help young Paladins. Pidge, forest, Shiro, cloud, Keith, fire, Lance, water, Hunk earth." The mysterious man stated. Katie hated that name. She ran at more soldiers, but Sendak used his prosthetic arm to send Katie flying, battle wounds conjured as her back hit the wall. Sendak then retreated. Smirking to himself. The other Paladins helped her out. Taking her back to the forest. Laid her on a bed of flowers and dropped dew water on her wounds. They began to heal, but it would take a long period of time. A day or two. They then left to gather some herbs and her God-father. They should have left someone....

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