Chapter 1

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Blake's P.O.V
For those of you who don't know who I am well here we go. My name is Blake Richardson I'm from England and in a band with my 2 best friends George Smith and Reece Bibby and were called New Hope Club. I have huge secret that no one knows yet and I plan on keeping it that way. Even if it eats me alive on the inside I know I will be judged even more then I already am once people know. I've started to fall for someone I shouldn't have, I know it's wrong to be in love with your best friend especially when that best friend is a boy. I am in love with George Smith, which I know isn't ok or isn't right but I can't help it he's just too adorable how could you not fall for him? Anyways to make it even better he has a girlfriend named Shelley. She's 19 she has blonde hair and brown eyes she was a fan of us at first then her and George became really close over time they eventually started dating which crushed me even more. I'll never forget that day they told they were dating.
Reece and I were chilling in my room playing Mario Kart, I was of course wining till George came in and interrupted our game.
"Hey guys I umm I need to talk to you guys about something" George said nervously
"You can tell us anything George" Reece smiled and I nodded as well
"Well do you remember Shelley? Well over time we became closer and I asked her out and she said yes" George said smiling
"Come on in Shelley" he smiled towards her
"Oh that's awesome!" Reece Smiled and hugged him then her.
It was quite for a few moments till I realized everyone was waiting on me to say something
"Oh sorry I zoned out, but I'm happy for you George" I said smiling as I hugged him.
As they left Reece and I went back to our Mario game.
"You ok Blake? You seem down?" Reece questioned
"Ohh um no I'm ok Reece I swear" I smiled Reece smiled back and changed the topic which I was thankful for.
*end of flashback*
It's been a year since they've been together and at first Shelley actually seemed really cool and we got along good but I don't know what exactly happened but one day she turned against me and started hating on me when no one was around to hear her.
"Hey Blake do you want to come mini golfing with us? Reece smiled towards me
"Uhh yeah sure" I said not really wanting to go
We arrived and decided we were going to do teams which meant Reece and I were partners and who ever lost had to buy dinner for the winners. It was actually fun up until Shelley quietly kept making horrible comments to me. Comments like how I'm too ugly no one will love me, I'm too fat. As if I didn't get that enough on my Instagram posts. Eventually George noticed how quite I was.
"Hey Blakey are you ok? You're really quite" George smiled towards me
"uh yeah I'm good Georgy I swear" I said hoping he would believe it
"Ok whatever you say" he smiled and went back to talking to Shelley.
I sighed quietly finally we were done with mini golf and of course George and Shelley won which meant Reece and I had to pay for supper. So after the three of them debated where to eat they settled on subway, such a shocker. Once we got there we got our food and sat down. I was off in my own little world slowly picking at my food not wanting to eat too much. Shelley smirked at me then went back to talking to George and Reece. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Blake aren't you going to you know actually eat your sub?" Reece's voice took me out of my thoughts
"Oh umm yeah I have been but I'm pretty full" I said which was a mistake
"Blake come on you need to eat, you are really skinny and it's concerning me" George said sadly
"I'm ok George" I said rolling my eyes
"Blakey you keep saying that but there's got to be something going on" George said as he grabbed my hand
"Come on please tell us?" George said but I glanced over at Shelley who had an annoyed look on her face. She was also staring down at mine and George's hands then that's when I realized she knew, somehow she knew I was gay and she wanted me to back off from George.
"Blake?" Reece said pulling me out of my thoughts
"Uhh no I am good I promise if something was wrong I would tell you guys" I said smiling as I pulled my hand away from George's which I didn't want to his hands were warm and soft. They sighed and went back to their own conversations. Eventually everyone was done eating and then we headed back home.

Aha ok so I just wanna start off by saying I know their not actually dating obviously 😂 but their adorable  and I wanted to wright about them 😂💕 and Shelley is also just random name I thought of she's not anyone specific at all 😂💕 also there is mentions of self harm and eating problems through out the story but I'll put warnings at the start of the chapters. Im also sorry Blake I love you 😂💕 I honestly don't think I've seen Blake actually ever get hate or any of them for that matter but I'm sure there is hate somewhere 🙈 i honestly don't even know how I came up with this idea aha started writing this at like 2 am one night aha 😂😅 as for my other story to do with Connor I will update it either later tonight or tomorrow 💙💙 anyways this is long enough so hope you guys enjoy 😂💙

P.S. ~ here's what Shelley will look like 😂✌🏻

 ~ here's what Shelley will look like 😂✌🏻

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