e-i-g-h-t-e-e-n (epilogue)

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'it all started easily, i called him and he picked up'  she ponders. 'how do you meet up with someone you met over text?'

'where it came together' she thinks again.

eva's house! she runs out if her apartment to her car. eva lives close by. she gets out her car and starts running, "i'm coming!" she yells. people on the street look at her, but she doesn't care.

shawn's pov.

i sit on the bench outside the house. everyday for the last 2 and a half years i would come and sit on eva's porch. i would hope and pray that ally would come. but she never did.

when i left for my tour, i was even more heartbroken because the chances of me ever seeing ally again were growing thinner and thinner.

allysa stops jogging as she reaches eva's house. her dark hair is clinging to her light grey sweater, "shawn?" she says in disbelief, "i'm so sorry shawn. i should've told you." she says hugging him.

"its okay ally. i forgave you a long... long time ago. i just..." he trails off. "its okay shawnie" she laughs.

"i really wanna kiss you." allysa smiles, "there's nothing holding us back" she says biting her lip.

shawn holds onto her neck as they share a kiss. "i love you shawn." "you too babe, i love you too."








that's the end of another call for the bottle!!! this was a short book but i'm working on other books so i hope you enjoy my other books. i'll give line ups of books i'm writing soon ♡

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