Chapter One

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" And I give you all of me. " Christian sung the final line of his song into the microphone. The crowd clapped loudly, and wolf whistles followed not too long after. " Foster! " A patron within the crowd screamed as Christian stepped down off of the stage.

" Good job Mate." Xander said in his think Irish accent. " They loved you. "

" Thank you." Christian smiled as he begun walking towards the bar. " How many people came tonight?"

" Well strangely with it only being Wednesday, we have 176 patrons. " Xander responded. " James is exhausted, they've been ordering drinks constantly tonight. I know we'll have to send more than a few people home tonight in a taxi."

" Aw poor James." Christian cooed. " 176 people, that's fantastic! Just think of how many pounds we earned tonight."

" Is money all that you think about?"

" Yup." Christian responded coolly as I sat down upon the bar stool. " James."

" Yeah?"

" Can you get me a bottle of water? I'm quite parched. "

" Sure." James snapped before walking away towards the coolers.

" Anastasia is coming. " Xander whispered in Christian's ear. "Good luck." He said before walking away.

" Ugh." Christian groaned. Anastasia Carsille was his ' Girlfriend.' Christian's Mum and Dad insisted that he date her simply because she had was wealthy.  Anastasia's parents also owned a nightclub on the other side of town, so Christian's parents demanded that Christian get engaged to the girl so that they could combine the nightclubs and bring in more money.  Anastasia was a beautiful girl on the outside but her inner personality was one of a total bitch. She was rude, demanding, and spoiled. Christian did not fancy the girl a single bit, but as usual he listened to his parents and asked her to marry him.

" You did great, baby." Anastasia purred into Christian's ear before nibbling on the shell of it. " Can't wait to get you home."

" Mhmm." He replied. " Same to you baby."

" Did you like my performance? " She asked.

" Yeah." He replied honestly.  Even though Anastasia drove Christian absolutely made, she was indeed a beautiful singer. Anastasia and her childhood best friend did a duet every Wednesdays and Sundays, and they tended to draw in a lot of customers.

" Really baby?" She chirped as she took a seat beside him.

" Yes." He replied, slightly annoyed at her cheerful and fake voice. " You did great. "

" Oh thank you so much." She gushed. " I love you."

Oh, those three dreaded words. " You too"

" Here. " James said as he placed the bottle of water in front of Christian. " Oh and Aiden needs to speak with you."

" I got to go, baby." Christian said as he stood up from the bar stool. " You heard James." He chuckled.

" Okay love, I'll see you at home." Anastasia responded with a smile. " I'll get a ride home with Louis. "

" Alright." Christian responded as he looked around for the club for Aiden.

Once Christian spotted Perrie, he knew Aiden wouldn't be too far behind. Perrie was Aiden's girlfriend, they had been together since they were sixteen. Perrie came from a wealthy family also, both of her parents were lawyers. Unlike perfect little Anastasia, Perrie was what you would call a rebel. She had tattoos all over her body or as she called it: her canvas. She had a lip ring and a stud in her nose, just like her boyfriend.

With his water bottle in his hand, Christian begun walking towards Perrie. Her pink hair swayed from left to right as she danced to the music, with a single fag in between her fingers on her right hand. Christian dogged past the sweaty bodies of the dancing crowd. " Per!" He yelled as he reached her.

" Hey!" She screamed back.

" Where's Aiden?"

" In the loo, he'll be back in a minute."

" Actually." Perrie corrected herself. " He's on his way over here."

" I don't see him." Christian snapped. " I don't have all day to wait around for him, I have a club to run."

" Hey." Perrie scolded. " Don't talk bad about my boyfriend."

" What's up?" Aiden said, suddenly appearing beside me.

" Your c-.." Perrie begun but Christian shot her a glare.

" James told me that you needed to speak with me." Christian said, looking down at Aiden.

" Oh yeah." He chuckled. " I need to ask you for a favor."

" If it's for more money then no." Christian stated.

" Greedy much?" Aiden said. " I have to drive Perrie home tonight and erm, I don't have alot of petrol."

" Do you need me to give her a ride?"

" No." Aiden shook his head. " I need you to pick up a box for me from my cousin. "

" Alright. Where does he live?" Christian asked.

" It's a girl. " Aiden corrected me. " And her name is Asani Brown. "

" Well, at least it'll get me away from Anastasia. "

" I don't know why you deal with her if you don't even fancy her." Perrie chimed. " I mean she's my best friend and all, but I know how she is."

" Because of my parents. " He replied.

" Alright, I'll text you the details. " Aiden said, pulling out his phone from his front trouser pocket.

Christian watched as his fingers pressed rapidly against the touch screen. " Done." He said before sliding his phone back into his pocket. " I'll pick up the package from you in the morning. Thanks mate, means alot."

" No problem Aiden." Christian said just as my cellular buzzed in his pocket.

" Just a fair warning. " Aiden laughed. " Asani is quite mad. And she loves men, so don't say I didn't warn you when she hits on you."

" I think I can manage." Christian replied. " I'll head out now."


As Christian drove over the tracks, he noticed a change. The houses were no longer beautiful with little flamingos and shrubs in the front yard, instead they were worn out, dirty, some with plyboard covering the windows and some covered with graffiti. Women in low cut blouses and mini skirts waved as he drove past them. Filthy Slags he thought to himself.

About ten men stood in front of the building that Aiden instructed Christian to go to. A shiver of fear struck through him, he felt out of place, like he did not not belong there.

Christian shut off his vehicle and removed the keys from the ignition. He opened up the driver's side door and exited the vehicle. With the key chain on his keys, He locked the doors to his vehicle. He told himself that he didn't need any of those bums taking off with his vehicle

" Nice car!" A man with a shaven head and way too many missing teeth said as Christian walked towards the entrance of the building.

Once he entered the building, he reached back with his right hand and patted his right back trouser pocket. He smiled in relief that his wallet was still there. Christian looked at the flat numbers as he passed by them. 11, 12, 13, 14 finally he stopped at room 14 just as the door opened.

" How dare you lay your hands on me!" A girl with long blonde hair screamed as she tried to push a heavy set man out of her door.

" You deserved it!" He screamed. The girl smiled before running back into the room and grabbing a stiletto shoe.

" No girl deserves to be hit you chauvinistic twat!"

" Well you do." He retorted.

" Get your arse out of here!" The blonde haired girl screamed,  before throwing her black stiletto shoe at the bloke.

The shoe bounced off of his stomach. Christian shook his head as a devious smile stretched across his features. " Really baby girl? That's all that you can do? Throw a simple shoe?"

" Mate." Christian said softly. " I'm sorry to intrude, but I believe that the girl told you to leave. "

" Whatever. I'll be back, this isn't over baby girl. "

" Oh is that a threat?" The girl screamed as the man begun walking down the hallway. " If I see your face around here again, it'll be the last thing you ever see!" She threatened.

" Sure babe, whatever you say." The man yelled from the other side of the hallway.

The  girl dogged out of her flat, chasing after the bloke with yet another stiletto. " Get yer' arse back here!"

Christian inhaled deeply before beginning to run after the girl. She was a fast runner, no doubt. Maybe that's why she had already managed to get halfway down the hallway.

Christian dogged around her lanky body and grabbed the front side of her hips. " You're a sassy little bird, aren't you?" He chuckled. " Let the bloke go, he isn't worth you going to jail over."

" Get your hands off of me!" The girl screamed, flailing around in Christian's arms. " Let me go or 'M gonna hit you! " She said as she finally stopped moving around in his arms. She held her stiletto tightly in her right hand and directed it towards Christian's nose.

Christian chuckled and released his hold on the girl. " M' sorry, I was just trying to help. "

" I don't need any help from you or anyone else. " She spat.

" Erm, M' looking for a girl." He said nervously. " Is your name Asani Brown?"

" Yeah, who are you?"

" My name's Christian. My friend Aiden sent me here to pick something up for him."

" Aiden Malik?"

" Yeah." Christian confirmed.

" How can I be sure that you're not a some kind of a snitch?" Asani asked.

" You can't. " He replied. " But Aiden, works with me. You can call him if you wish."

" Yeah, I'll text him." Asani replied before walking away towards her flat.

Christian rolled my eyes before following after her. " How about this, you can use my phone to call him?"

" Whatever. " Asani said as she walked into her flat.

Christian walked to the doorway and removed his cell from my front trouser pocket. " Here." Christian said after unlocking the screen and dialing Aiden's number.

Asani ripped the phone out of his hand and put it to her ear. " Aiden? "

" Yeah, it's his phone you div."

" Alright, love you too. Bye."

" Alright. " Asani said while handing Christian back his phone. Christian wiped his phone on his shirt before sliding it back into his pocket.

" Be right back." Asani said before walking into the back of her flat.

" So." Asani yelled from her kitchen. " You work at Stylin?"

" Actually." Christian corrected her." I own it."

" Ah." She replied as she walked back in Christian's direction, with a small package in her hands. " 'Ere"

Christian reached out his arms and grabbed the package from her. " I'm so Sorry to ask but what's in here? "

" Just some goods." She replied.

" Alright, well I must go. It's quite late. Have a good night. " Christian replied as hw begun walking away.

" See you later, rich boy." Asani giggled from behind Christian.

" Hopefully not." Christian mumbled.

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