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calum: hi ash

ashton: hey heard you got a cold

ashton: you feeling okay?

calum: yeah im okay

calum: but are you?

calum: michael and luke told me that you haven't been talking to them much

ashton: oh yeah

ashton: i've been thinking about what you said to me

ashton: i'm really sorry

ashton: bc this whole time i was mad at you for breaking up with me

calum: ashton what are you saying?

ashton: i'm just really sorry for being angry at you

calum: its okay ash, i mean, i didn't even know you were mad

ashton: i figured that if i still talked to luke and michael as much

ashton: wouldn't that hurt you

ashton: i dont want to hurt you any more than i already have, cal

calum: shut the fuck up ashton

calum: if you want to be with luke, be with luke

calum: whatever happens, happens.

calum: stop worrying about me ash x

read 6:43pm.


calum is a sweetheart

- j

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