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michael: luke

michael: i got something to tell you

luke: i know

luke: calum's into ashton

michael: how did you know

luke: calum told me

luke: and ashton told me too

michael: im sorry lukey :'(

luke: thats okay

luke: i don't even know calum

michael: they're both good people i swear

luke: how did you know ashton?

michael: from calum, they're friends i think

luke: just friends?

michael: okay maybe a little more than friends

michael: but idk much about them

luke: hm okay

michael: are you mad

luke: omg no ofc not

luke: im not a little bitch

michael: HAHAHAHAH

michael: sure

read 11:43am.


it won't be this boring the whole book :)))) x

- j

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