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luke: and i cried like a LITTLE BITCH

michael: oh wow


michael: OH WOW

luke: idek why i cried so much

luke: ashton looked really confused but he was really nice about it

michael: ofc he is

michael: he's always super nice

luke: but anyways

luke: wanna hear the big news?

michael: the big news wasn't you embarrassing yourself for half an hr?

luke: no

luke: i broke up with shawn

michael: why?

michael: he was nice

luke: i don't like him like that

luke: and i don't think i should lead him on like that

michael: luke i want you to know something

luke: what is it?

michael: ashton's asked me not to tell you

michael: but

michael: he's thinking about getting back together with cal

read 10:38pm.

michael: luke?

michael: you okay?



he ain't okay michael :(

- j

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