They Meet part 2

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I do not own these characters only the amazing Soman Chainani does

unless there my OCs I make, only they belong to ME     


Chapter 9:

            When Agatha saw the School for Good and Evil she was filled with an emotion she couldn't put her finger on. It was a mix of happiness, fear, and was that...?

When Agatha saw Sophie gleefully looking at Agatha as they hovered over the School for Good, she thought this, Sophie will become a princess now... well I will become a witch... I guess the town of Gavaldon was right about me...

What Agatha wasn't sure about was why that bird made of bones had dropped her instead of Sophie?

Agatha thought she was going to die as she fell through the pink mist. She closed her eyes, braced for impact as her vision was filled with pink. Suddenly she was on solid ground but did not die as she had thought. Agatha opened her eyes and gasped. She appeared to be under some sort of white silky sheet. Whatever the reason was, Agatha just wanted the sheet off her.

She quickly sat up, and as the silk fell off her she gasped again. All around her girls sat up from every direction. They looked around and smiled like this wasn't strange at all. But these aren't ordinary-looking girls, no-no. These girls were beautiful.

Some were tall some were small. Some had brown hair, blonde, red. But they all had the same smile. All had the same happy look, of being a princess. And they all look nothing like Agatha (or at least what Agatha thought).

Well, I'm obviously supposed to be here. Agatha thought sarcastically.

Suddenly glowing-like creatures appeared and seemed to help the girls get ready. Some took their bags, and some fixed their hair. Soon one of those creatures came up to Agatha. At a closer look, Agatha realised they were faries.

The fairy in front of her looked like a shrunken human with silver wings. This fairy appeared to be bald. Agatha heard jingling coming from the fairy, she supposed that was it talking. All of a sudden, the fairy bit her. She shrieked and whacked the fairy away. She glared at the fairy as it went away. 

The other fairies seemed to scold that fairy, but the fairy replied by pointing a miniature finger at Agatha. Agatha looked at his tiny head which was shaking back and forth in dismay. 

Agatha new this fairy meant she was not supposed to be here.

Unfortunately, her shriek had caused the girls close to her to gaze upon her. She heard whispering happening like, "what is she wearing?", "Are you sure she's a princess?", "Did you see what that fairy did to her?"

"Girls it's not nice to whisper". A voice said. Agatha looked at the person who said it. It was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, well... Besides Sophie... She had long blonde hair and blue almond-shaped eyes, and a brilliant smile.

"Hello there!" She said brightly. Agatha had seen many smiles in her village, happy ones, sad ones, fake ones, and the one this girl was giving her was obviously fake. "Are you lost?" She asked.

Agatha didn't exactly know what to say. It was yes and no. No, because she didn't know how to get home, and yes because she knew where she was. 

"I'm at the school for good". Agatha said. The girl's face fell but quickly replaced it with a smile. 

"Oh! So, where's your flower garden ticket?" The girls around her pulled out a golden ticket. 

"We all have one to get here." A girl said on the left, with dark skin and black hair. 

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