The big mistake. Or was It ?

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(Ally above)

Chapter 7:

                  At 'Aggie' Agatha jumped and grabbed Sophie by her ankles, holding on for dear life as the schoolmaster dragged them along, Agatha grunting every time they hit a rock or stick. 

"What are you doing?" Sophie shrieked. "YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!" 

"We have to go back!" Agatha shouted. 

Sophie tried to push Agatha off, while Agatha tried to drag her down with her, causing Sophie not to push as hard. After a little while later (which was 5 minutes), they stopped, because they knew it was no use. They tried to get comfortable, but that is pretty hard when your being dragged across the ground by some phantom man. 

"Since when did you call me Aggie?" Agatha asked, trying to fill the awkward silence. 

"Darling, come on. Best friends always have nicknames." Agatha shook her head. 

"You can call me Aggie, but I'm calling you Sophie." Sophie pouted but didn't, say anything. 

As soon as Sophie groaned about her dress getting dirty, a figure jumped out of nowhere and landed beside Agatha, also grabbing onto one of Sophie's ankles. Sophie winced.

"Next time," the figure said out of breath. " Slow down!" 

The figure-no, the girl looked at Agatha and Sophie grinning. 

"Hi, Sophie and Agatha!" The girl said happily. Agatha and Sophie just stared. 

"How-did you... I mean.. Wha?" Agatha asked confused. Sophie just stared. 

"Oh." The figure said. "Well.. I uhh... Well as soon as I saw you guys leaving, I decided to follow you. But next time I'll just teleport". 

"YOU CAN TELEPORT!?" Sophie exclaimed.

 "Well.. where I come from, I can't teleport, but here I can. Oh, by the way, my name's Ally." Ally smiled. Agatha opened her mouth. 

"So, do you know-" 

"Yes, I know where we're going. We're going to the School for good and Evil! But we all call it SGE for short." Agatha looked bewildered. 

"How did you-" 

"Know what you're going to say?" Ally asked. "Ya, but I'll stop doing it. I know it's annoying from experience." Agatha looked confused but didn't say anything. 

Ally muttered, "Well if you call "experience" ten minutes ago." 

"What?" Sophie asked. 


"When you said, "next time slow down", who were you talking to?" Sophie asked. Agatha's eyes widened in disbelief. 

Really Sophie? Think: There are two of us, and one schoolmaster. She was obviously not talking about us, so who would she talk about?

"This guy," Ally said, pointing to the shadow. 

"Oh." Sophie said. 

"So, I guess there is there actually a SGE?" Agatha asked, desperate. 

"Yep, but don't look too glum. I mean, I think you'll like it more than you think."

 Sophie groaned again about her dress getting dirty. 

"Will you just stop with the moaning? We're almost there and it's just a dress!" Ally said, annoyed. 

"Just a dress? JUST A DRESS? Do you understand what this is made of and-" She continued to angerly rant to Ally. Agatha chuckled at Sophie's dramatic antics.

Typical Sophie.

Suddenly, the shadow of the schoolmaster dropped them.

"Finally," Sophie said, as all three girls stood up. Agatha rubbed her aching side that had been dragged across the ground. But then, some sort of bird made of bones swooped down and picked the three girls up. 

"Where is this bone-made bird taking us?" Agatha cried out. Ally grinned. 

"You'll see." All of a sudden, two castles swooped into view.

 The one on the left was beautiful and glorious. With clouds in the sky and a rainbow. The castle looked like it was made out of crystals. The one on the left was the exact opposite. It was gloomy with thunder clouds and lightning. And it had... Well, you get the picture. 

Ally said, "That is where this bone-made bird is taking us." The bird hovered over the good tower. Ally looked up and said, "Okay, you know what to do." The bird dropped Ally. Agatha watched in horror as the girl feel into the pink mist. All Sophie and Agatha heard were a very faint, "catch ya guys later!"

The bird loosened its grip on Sophie. "Aggie I'm a princess," Sophie said, smiling. Everything was perfect. Sophie would be a princess and Agatha a witch. Or was it? Because the bird dropped Agatha instead. "WHAT?" Sophie screamed as she watched Agatha plunge into the pink mist. "No.. no! NO!!" Sophie cried out as the bird dropped Sophie into the black-greyish mist of the other school.

It was all a big mistake! Or was it?

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