Chapter 6-

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Maxine's P.O.V

The doors connecting the three had been opened and they agreed they would stay that way. So I wandered behind Ward when he went to talk to Tony, as they talked I made sure I was comfortable on the floor. I lay quietly next to the main door, as I watch carefully the window. From my experience with HYDRA they like to come through the window, at least that what they did to take me.
I turn to the door and scratch it slightly, everyone looks at me oddly. But I needed to go, if you know what I meant and a dog can't go if there not outside or they'll get in trouble. I let out a whimpering sound then jumped onto my back legs, leaving my front legs rested on the door. When no one still moved I barked, then ran to them and back at the door then barked again. Finally Pepper got the hint and offered to take me out, my tail waged with joy. Leaving the harness off she grabbed my lead and attached it to my collar, before opening the doors. I took lead and lead her out the building to a small fire hydrant, I relieved myself.
On they way up Pepper met this man, who I think she knew and invited him up to the room. I growled at him when I noticed he had a quiver full of arrows and a bow, Pepper told me it was alright so I stoped growling. I didn't trust him though, once inside the elevator I scanned him. He had short brown hair white dark eyes, he wore a black shirt with one long sleeve and one without a sleeve entirely. His trousers and shoes were also completely black, I don't trust his guy. I made sure I was always in between Pepper and this man as we exited the elevator.
When we entered the room Tony and Ward both seemed very happy to see this man, I watched him intently as Pepper unleashed me.
"Clint it's great to see you," Tony grabbed the man into a hung,
"You too, Tony. Ward what are you doing here?" The man named Clint asked hugging him next.
"Protecting Tony, with my partner Maxine." He said patting me on the head as I passed him to sit by the window.
"When did you get a dog?" Clint asked look at me weirdly
"She's a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent," he said before turning to happy who looked completely confused "I couldn't tell you earlier in a public place, Max you can turn back once I've closed all the curtains. Got it." I nod my head in response as he walks off to close the curtains, once he gives me the all clear I turned. I could feel hands instead of paws and my tail had gone, I'm back to me.
The man showed a shocked face just like Happy, he then walked up to me and held out his hand
"I'm Agent Clint Barton of S.H.I.E.L.D also know as Hawkeye." He smiles I shook his hand before replying
"I'm Maxine," I hate saying Agent,
"Last name?" He asked
"I don't have one." He nods, a sympathetic look enters his face. A sudden sound could be hear from outside the window but I was the only one to notice since I have the hearing of a wolf. I turn to face it and let out a low growl, Ward pulls out his gun as I shift back to the same dog as before. Ward opens the curtains and then the window allowing me to jump onto the fire escape, I scan the area to find nothing. But something didn't feel right, I lift my nose up high and catch a sent but it was nothing like I'd ever smelt before and it only was round the window. That's when I heard the ticking, a bomb. Jumping back inside, getting his attending I got him to follow me to the source of the ticking noice. No surprise I was right it was a bomb.
"Max, get Tony and Pepper out of here. Take Happy and Clint with you." I did as ordered, I heard back inside. Knowing Tony wouldn't listen to me, I bite his sleeve before dragging him to the door and realising. Without hesitating I start to scratch at the door, I start barking until it is opened. I stood outside the door till all of them had left the room, I herded the group out of the building into the safety of the streets.
Outside Agent Coulson, May and Skye were already there. Knowing the mission was safe I ran back in the building, despite the orders from Coulson to stay. When I made it to were I had left Ward, he had been knocked out. I look at the bomb 4minutes till it will go kaboom.
I bite a firm grip on the Collar of Wards shirt before dragging him back inside, I continued to the stairs and tried to be careful not to cause him any pain as I dragged him down. I'm lucky that all the doors were open or it would have slowed me down, and that we were on the 3rd floor out of 20. I didn't look up till I knew we were out the building and back with the group. Seconds after I released my bite the bomb blew up the building. I lay down on the ground panting, someone obviously wanted to kill someone in that hotel and I think I know who.
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of screams coming from a lady trying to run inside the blown up hotel which now has caught on fire, two men held the screaming lady back.
"Please, my 6 year old daughter is still inside!" She continues to scream, I look back at the group who are now having a confiscation as Ward slowly wakes up. Without hesitation I run towards the building with only one thought, the girl needs help. A fireman tries to stop me as I entered the building, but I managed to slip past with no problem. Using my wolf like hearing, I stop in the lobby and listen with no luck I find her sent instead. It faint due to the amount of smoke making it hard to figure which way her sent leads, but I'm to determined to give up.
I head to the stairs I came down from I stop on 6th floor confused her scent just stops, confused I bark out hoping the girl will hear and call out. To my luck she did, the sound came from a room in the far end of the floor.

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