Chapter 2- Change

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Maxine's P.O.V

I wake still in my tiger form. All I could feel was pain, from my back left leg to my stomach. When I open my eyes I can't see a thing, bright lights are blinding me. I trie to move my legs but there retrained. I let out a loud roar of anger as I try to brake free, biting into the front straps around my front legs to brake free. But I failed, typical.
I know, I can turn human why didn't I think of this before. As I turned back human my arms and legs are able to slip out easily.  I can see now a little more clearly, I'm in a lab.
My white t-shirt is stained by the blood from my stomach, great that's not coming out. My thoughts once again are interrupted.
"We didn't want to hurt you,"  the guy named Phil Coulson said startling me a little. "You need help and we can give it to you but you wi...."
"No," I cut him off "let me go!" I growl there's no way I'll trust him
"I'm afraid we can't do that, we need questions to be answered and you need help" he said crossing his hands. The pain in my leg made me yelp out as I jumped off the table,
I do need help and I suppose i can answer a few questions.
"Fine!" I mumble quietly, i could see a smile spread across Coulson's face.
A young female about as tall as 5'4 came in smiling like mad with a young man about as tall as 5'8. She had light brown hair and brown eyes while he has brownish blond hair with blue eyes.
"This is Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz," Coulson said introducing them. I turn and give a little wave and a weak smile.
I jump down from the table to introduce myself but the pain was to much. I stumble forward but managed to keep my self up, well that was embarrassing
"Careful there," said Simmons in a little accent "let's get up fixed up, shall we?" She continued as she helped me back onto the table. She seemed to be making Fitz her personal assistant, getting all the things she needed before she started. "Ok, we need to sedate you before we get started." Fitz said before placing a mask over my face. As I took each breath I felt myself getting more and more tired. Then everything went black.

I wake to a silence. I open my eyes to see handcuffs tightly strapped to my hands, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. They think these can hold me, I can turn into a butterfly and slip out of these cuffs. I pull myself together before trying to turn into a tiger butterfly, but nothing happens. I frown; this has never happened before, why can't I turn?
"What have they done?" I whisper quietly to myself before the only door to this small room opened, with some force.
"Agent Phil Coulson, what a surprise!" I fake smile as he walks in followed by a man I hadn't seen before. "And who might you be, I don't believe we've met yet?" I ask this new man, who by the way seemed to have no emotion on his face or even throw his body language.
"This is Agent Grant Ward!" Coulson said with a smile before taking a seat behind the table which sat in-front on me. "What do you want with me? Why can't I turn? Can I go? Why did you..." I ask before being interrupted rudely by Ward. "Look kid, we will ask a question you will answer then you can ask a question and we'll do our best to answer them. It will continue, ok"  he stepped forward as I nodded
"What's your name?" Coulson asked.
"Maxine Miller but call me Max," I answered with the truth, "Why can't I turn?" I ask hoping they tell me the truth
"The handcuffs are designed to suppress your powers, stopping you from using them." Ward started
"How did you get your powers?" Coulson asked leaning forward onto the table.
"I was experimented on." I say looking down at my feet, I could feel the tears stinging my eyes but I won't cry in-front of them. That would only show I'm weak. "Can I go, now?" I ask hoping the answer is a yes.
"No!" Coulson said before reaching to take the handcuffs off, "look I'm going to trust you here, ok" I nodded in response, then let him take them off my wrists.
"Tell us about your history, up until now." Ward demanded. I look down at my feet before sighing. "I lived with a lot of different foster families for the first 2 years of my life but when I turned 3 Hydra came and kidnapped me. They would beat me for there training and scientists would use me as a lab rat," one tear escaped and slid down my face. I took a deep breath before continuing. "I then when they found out I had powers, they trained me but if I failed I would be punished. After 13 years I finally used my powers to escape, and I've been on the run ever since." I look up trying to fight back the tears, as hydra said tears are a sign of weakness. The guy named Ward showed his first emotion towards me, sympathy.
Why? I don't want people's sympathy. "What do you want with me?" I ask suddenly realising that I don't know why I'm here. What if they try experimenting on me to? Fear was rising within me, I sat up in my seat before looking up at Coulson.
"Don't worry, we're not gunna hurt you. We want you to join our team." Coulson said smiling at me.
"And why would I do that?" I said leaning back on my chair while crossing my arms across my chest.
"We might just be able to find your sister!" Ward suggested leaning back on the wall, the words shocked me. I lent to far back in my chair tipping it over. I lay frozen with shock on the floor, hydra told me they've been watching my real family and if I did anything they didn't like then, well they'd kill them. That's what kept me from escaping for 13 years but then I lost faith that they were still alive, even though I have never met them.
"What did you say?" I asked as I stood up waiting for them to confirm what Ward had said. Are pushed himself off the wall and standing straight, whipping any emotion on his face away then he said "I said we can help find your sister, duh." As the word left his lips I started to feel my head spin, I grab the table for support but everything went black.

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