Chapter 3- Fear

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Maxine's P.O.V

My head was pounding as I try to recall the past events. I open my eyes to see I'm in a small room with a glass door, the bed I'm on is quite comfy. I want answers and my stuff, I need to find Coulson.
With that my mind was made up, I stand up and head for the door. I slide the door open quietly as I don't want to bump into someone, who might want to fight. I tip toe down the hall, I have no clue where the hell I am. I reach a small window, I look out and is stunned by the view. We're in the sky!
I couldn't help my self I screamed at the top of my voice and backed away from the window. I know I shouldn't be scared of flying as I could turn into any bird but I am so don't judge me. We all have fears.
"I see you know we're flying then?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I look up to see Simmons walking towards me with Fitz trailing along behind her. I nod and look down at my feet with embarrassment.
"Come I'll introduce you to the others," she said smiling and leading me to the way she came in.
As we entered a larger room, I saw 4 people including Coulson and Ward the others were both women who I'm guessing where completely different personality wise. One of girls who looked a little older, instantly stood up and aimed the gun at me, instinct took over me I could feel myself half change.

That's when I don't fully change I just grow animal teeth like fangs, my nails grow to claws and my eyes change to yellow, I let out a low growl before I heard a gunshot

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That's when I don't fully change I just grow animal teeth like fangs, my nails grow to claws and my eyes change to yellow, I let out a low growl before I heard a gunshot. But the bullet was knocked off course when Coulson tried to stop one of the women shooting me. I knew where the bullet was headed so I grabbed Simmons and Fitz and pushed them out of the way of the bullet, a felt a sudden graze on my neck.
"STAND DOWN!" Ward yelled at the women. Well, that was a great first impression.
"Max, are you ok?" Simmons asked standing up and helping Fitz. I nod my reply as Coulson came over to me.
"Kid, I'm sorry. I just ...." I couldn't keep listening. I just changed into a German Shepherd and ran, I don't know where I'm going but I want to get out of this room.
I have no idea how but I ended up in the back of the Plane where they keep the cars, there where two cars down here.
One black SUV and a bright cherry red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, I went and lied down underneath the black SUV with my head leaned again the tyres.

Skye's P.O.V

Agents Coulson, Ward, May and I sat in the lounge talking about that girl Max. I don't trust here, she was trained by hydra but I feel bad she doesn't know her parents either. Agent May grabbed her gun, stood up from beside me and aimed as Max came through door, I guess it's just her instinct. She instantly changed into what looked like a werewolf, Agent May took the shot as Coulson tried to stop her. I started to panic as it was heading over to Simmons and Fitz, there is nothing I could do. That's when Max pushes them out of the way of the bullet, luckily the bullet only grazed the skin.
Ward then yells out "STAND DOWN," I immediately see May holster her gun and look up to see her change into a German Shepherd and run off leaving us in a room. 
"Why did you shoot?" I ask May as she turned to face me.
"She's a freak and I don't trust her." She shot back and glared at me.
"I'll go find her," Coulson said walking over to us, I nod and stand up "I'll come to." He smiled as we both exited the room, we first head to the loading deck.
When we enter we see Max lying on the floor underneath the SUV still as a, cute German shepherd.
"Kid, can you come out." I ask as she slowly made her way over to us, she seemed very cautiously. Her head was bent low and her tail was still.
"Sorry about Agent May, she has trust issues." I continue hoping to make her feel better, I feel so bad for this kid. She suddenly seemed to perk up as though she heard something, her back arched and her ears twitched like she was afraid.
"Hey, are you ok?" Coulson asked before I could, she turned back to her self and stood up fear was plaster on her face.
"Something's on the roof," she whispered aloud, as she ran off towards the only access point from the roof with us close behind her.

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