Chapter Twenty-Four - 'Realisation, Proof, Trust and Determination'

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Chapter Twenty-Four – ‘Realisation, Proof, Trust and Determination’

Ollie P.O.V

He glared at them from across the room, he’d only arrived three days ago and they were already far too chummy for his liking. He was all for giving Lacey space but didn’t think that someone would come in and sweep her off her feet before he had a chance to.

Ollie was seething with rage from the inside out. He couldn’t bear to glance at Lacey and Tom one more time without saying something nasty. Was this how Lacey had felt every time she had seen Ollie and Monica together? If it had been then Ollie couldn’t fault her for leaving. This feeling was horrible, it felt like acid was burning him from the inside out and there was a terrible ache in the pit of his belly. All this feeling and he didn’t know if they were even together or not.

Contrary to popular belief, Ollie had done much soul searching since New York and taken a step back to evaluate his person. He wasn’t entirely happy with her person he’d become and had decided to take certain measures to change his life for the better. He’d never thought he’d find someone he’d want to share his life with, he’d been too busy with being young and famous and enjoying the perks that came with it. He’d always thought Bradley was a bit mad having a long-term relationship but now he could see the good in having a relationship like that and the once party hard lifestyle no longer excited him. He realised that his determination to get Lacey back in New York had been foolish and neither of them would have been ready for that to happen.

This didn’t mean he had given up on her. He still believed – despite all that they’d endured – that they belonged together. He’d been ready to ask her in Chicago but had been unsure of her reaction. Then the new drummer Tom stepped up and in a matter of days the two seemed joined at the hip.

Ollie had been appalled that she’d moved on so quickly and with a drummer no less. It had put his plans to get her back in jeopardy. He thought he’d been all charm and debonair when he’d taken Lacey out during their time together, but this Tom just made Ollie look cheap and tacky. He was always taking Lacey out somewhere new and seemed to know all the best places to visit in each city they visited.

“Hey guys, I’m just going out to get some food for Lacey and I, do you guys want anything?” asked Tom in a friendly manner.

Ollie glared at him, mockingly mimicking what he said under his breath. The rest of the boys told Tom what they wanted and offered to give him money but Tom declined saying it was ‘on the house’.

“Ollie do you want anything?” asked Bradley.

“Huh, what?” said Ollie.

He’d been so caught up in his own mutterings that he hadn’t realised Tom had called his name several times.

“Tom wants to know if you want any food” said Bradley.

“Oh no thanks, I can cook my own” said Ollie with a sneer.

His bitter attitude wasn’t lost on anyone, Bradley glanced apologetically at Tom but Ollie missed the look having gone back to his musings about Tom and Lacey together. Once Tom had left the boys rounded on Ollie.

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