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Life was great. After our opening night at the docks, the circus seemed to thrive more than it ever had before. Since we weren't in the middle of the city, the protestors didn't bother with going out of their way to insult us.

Anne managed to find a guy. He had gotten into New York business despite his skin colour. He and Anne had a lot in common, including fighting the white supremacists.

Victor turned eighteen and despite my inner protests, I supported his wish to join the military.

Phillip and I became frequent inhabitors of Central Park. It was our go to date spot. Every time we went, it was perfect, but no day could compare to May 21st.

It started out like an ordinary day. Of course, Phillip stopped by in the early morning. We hadn't planned anything but it wasn't unusual for him to come over before a show, which there was on this night.

Anyways, Phillip stopped by and suggested that we go for a walk. I agreed and soon enough we were walking through Central Park in our usual position, our arms intertwined and my head resting on his shoulder.

It was bright and sunny but not too hot so there were quite a few other people. Phillip directed us to my favorite spot, a bench surrounded by the prettiest of flowers. If one were to stand on the walk path, their view of the bench would be interupted by the trees and bushes of flowers. The seclusion only added to my love of the place.

Phillip and I sat in comfortable silence for a while until he decided to speak.

"Y/n, I've been thinking."

I looked over at him quizzically. He was smiling at me and when our eyes locked, he readjusted himself so that he was on one knee.

"Y/n," he began and instantly smiled. "I have known you for as long as I can remember. From teddy bear picnics to sneaking out to explore, our childhood was spent together." He grabbed my hands. "And then I left," he sighed. "-but I never forgot you. I never forgot your laugh when I would fall or make a funny joke. I never forgot the nights you spent in my room crying because you fought with your mom. I never forgot the sound of you playing the piano. I never forgot your passionate stories. But most importantly, I never forgot the regret I felt when I didn't tell you I loved you before I left."

I squeezed his hand as he detached one of them from mine and reached into his back pocket.

"When I saw you that day, all those feelings came rushing back to the front of my mind." His hand was in front of him now with a little box in its grasp. My hands left his and moved to my face to cover the soft tears of joy that were freely falling.

"Y/n," Phillip said opening the box but my eyes stayed glued to his. "I have loved you since we were 16, and I will keep loving you til beyond the ends of our days. Would you do me the honour of agreeing to marry me?"

"Yes!" I practically shouted, my arms wrapping themselves around him and my lips attaching to his. "Yes, yes, yes," I mumbled against his lips.

"Would you stop kissing me so I can put the ring on," he laughed. I broke away reluctantly.

The ring was beautiful. It was simple and had a squarish like diamond surrounded by other little jewels. It was beautiful and perfect.

After the show that night, P.T. took Phillip, myself and many of the cast out for drinks at his favorite bar, the same one he took Phillip to when he first joined the circus and the one in which he was convinced that the circus was worth his dedication. I stayed at Phillip's place that night.

Planning the wedding was a lot of fun. It was going to be something small as neither of us wanted our parents coming and if they didn't come it was unlikely anyone else in our families would, with the exception of my brothers. We were going to have the ceremony in fall. I thought the bright hues of orange would provide a beautiful background.

The original date was Oct. 4th, but we had to change it when Victor got told he had to report for military duty on Aug. 26th.

We had the ceremony on August 16th. It was outside in the woods, near the tree Phillip and I used to climb. The wedding arch had garlands of white roses wrapped around it. My dress had long lace sleeves with a similar back. White vines traced the whole dress with tiny flowers decorating it at random intervals. It was long, flowing and absolutely perfect.

Since neither of our parents were invited, I asked P.T. to walk me down the aisle and Caroline and Helen were my flower girls with Thomas and Zachary as the ring bearers. I asked Anne and Lottie to be my bridesmaids and Phillip asked Victor and Charlie, who we had come in from Europe, to be his groomsmen.

When the time came for us to say our vows, I was so happy and nervous at the same time, my hands were shaking. Phillip went first.

"Y/n, I don't need to tell you, or anyone else, the story of us for you to know how much I love you. Everytime I see you, I feel warm and happy. Everytime you smile, my heart beats faster. Everytime you laugh, my knees get weak. Being near you makes my world feel extraordinary and every touch makes me long for more. I don't ever want to let you go. I want to be with you when you're sad or hurt, so I can make you feel better. I want to be with you when you're sick, so I can heal you. But most importantly, I want to be by your side forever and ever. I love you Y/n and I will always love you."

"Darn you," I laughed through the tears that were falling from my eyes. "I love you too!" I took a deep breath and squeezed his hands. It was my turn. I took a deep breath.

"Phillip," I began. "There are several relationship that will be remembered forever. Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Lancelot and Guinevere, and while our names may never belong to that group, I will forever believe our love is greater. It has lasted millions of miles and survived nearly a decade. I love you with all my heart, and I know you do too. So while they may not remember us, our love will last an eternity."

When it came time for our kiss, Phillip's lips were on mine before the minister could even finish his line.

The reception after was more exciting than a circus performance. All the cast was there each dancing to the music and showing off their special skills for some of the guests who hadn't seen the show yet. Phillip and I danced the night away too, before going back to his place for the night.

It was a night to remember.


On December 1st, I went to the doctors.

On December 12th, after a circus performance, Phillip called a meeting in which we announced that I was pregnant. It wasn't planned but we were both excited.

On February 11th, I received horrible news that left me crying for days. Both Thomas and my father had got tuberculosis and passed away. Phillip spent each day by my side.

On July 27th, I gave birth to a baby boy. He was named Phillip Thomas Carlyle. His name was a tribute to all the important people in our lives, Phillip, my brother, and Mr. Barnum, since our sons initials are P.T.

Phillip and I are happy. And we both know that we can get through anything if we're together.

Life is extraordinary.

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