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Phillip's P.O.V.

As I regained consciousness, I could feel someone holding my hand and singing softly.

I immediately thought it was Y/n. When I was younger and I got hurt, she would hold my hand and sing to me until I stopped crying.

My eyes slowly yet eagerly, peeled themselves open in hopes to see Y/n's face smiling at me. The last time I had seen her, her face was covered in Ash and blood. I wanted so much for her to be okay.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice ask. It took me a few moments to realize it was my own.

As my eyes opened completely, I was greeted by Anne. My face must have shown my worry because the next thing Anne did was shake her head.

"She hasn't woken up yet," Anne sobbed.

I felt a tear fall down my face as I struggled to sit up.

"Phillip!" Anne scolded pushing me back down to the bed. "You need to get better. You're too weak right now."

"No!" my voice came out louder than expected. "I need to see Y/n!"


Normal P.O.V.

The first sense to return to me was my hearing.

"She'll be okay, right mommy?"

"I hope so dear."

The next to return was smell.

"Constantine! How can you eat at such a time!"

"I'm hungry."

Touch was the next to return

"Zachary! Thomas! Be gentle!"

"But a hug might make her feel better, Victor!"

"Just be careful, okay. You can hug her harder when she wakes up."

For several days, I only relied on these senses to tell me what was happening. I knew Victor had brought Thomas and Zachary to visit when I felt a soft hug. A pat on my arm told me Mr. Barnum was present. Lettie's crying was the most identifiable of all.

One day, while my brothers were visiting, I felt a hand grab my own. It wasn't my brother as it was too large. The conversation that followed, told me exactly who had come to see me.

"How has she been?" Phillip's voice rang loudly in my head and I felt myself screaming for complete consciousness.

"I haven't seen any differences. She just lays there," Victor replied.

"Will she wake up?"

"They don't know."

I needed to give them a sign. Something to tell them I'm okay. I focused all my strength into my hand, still grasped by Phillip.

"Y/n?" Phillip immediately said.

"What is it?" Victor asked, his voice laced with worry.

"She squeezed my hand."

I felt my other hand be picked up and tried to sqeaze that hand as well.

"Oh my God!" Victor practically screamed. "Y/n? We're here. You just need to wake up."

"Victor? What's going on?" Thomas asked.

"She's moving! Here, feel." My hand was passed to a smaller one and I gave it a squeeze.

"Y/n, you can do it!" I heard Phillip say. "Just open your eyes."

I tried. Desperately wanting to see the people around me. I needed to see the faces of my brothers and the man I loved. But I was exhausted. I had used most of my strength to hold their hands. I had no more energy.


That afternoon, my sight returned to me. Victor had left to take the boys home to bed but promised to return the next morning. Phillip had stayed by my side all day, still holding my hand even after it went limp.

Anne came in sometime in the early morning and told Phillip to get some sleep, but he refused, saying that he needed to be there when I woke up. She left soon after, the exhaustion getting to be too much.

That's when it came back. My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal the poorly lit hospital, and for a moment I was in that building again, flames and darkness creating nothing but fear. As my eyes adjusted to the dull, orange light from the oil lamps, they scanned the room. I couldn't see much, the late hour obscuring my sight. Everything looked like it was white and the room smelled highly of sanitation.

When I was finished admiring my surroundings, I looked to see Phillip holding my hand. His eyes were tired and there were a few scrapes and cuts scattered on his face. His head rested atop our entwined hands. He hadn't noticed me yet, so I squeezed his hand.

He head was up in less than a second. "Y/n?" he asked almost disbelieving what he was seeing.

"Hi." My voice was hoarse and scratchy and I probably looked like a mess, but Phillip didn't care. He inched closer and enveloped me in a hug.

"I thought I lost you."

"You can't get rid of me that easily," I joked.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes, his hand reaching to push a few stray strands of hair behind my ear. He began leaning in and I felt my heart beat faster.

His lips met mine causing a fire to be lit in both of us. His hand left mine and came to rest on my cheek. I tried to hold him closer but my movement caused a painful ripple making me hiss in pain.

"I'm sorry." Phillip stopped his actions and gave me a sorry look. "I shouldn't have done that. Are you okay?"

"Don't apologise. I wanted that as much as you," I said pulling him back into a hug.

I moved over so he could sit on the small hospital bed with me. We spent the night lying on the tiny cot, wrapped in eachother's arms.

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