today is the day

730 18 2

"demis pov"

today is the day i was so excited i started jumping up and down in my bed that i forgot that i had a sleepover yesterday i went downstairs to find my mom up

dm-good mornin baby girl

d-mornin mama so today is the day

dm-yup it is

d-dont worry mom i have a feeling ur gonna luv him

dm-i dont care bout him as long as he makes u happy

d-awww mom thanks im gonna go wake up the girlz now

dm-ok breakfast is gonna be ready in a sec

*at demis room *

i knew the perfect way to wake up thoose sleepy heads

i took my phone and plugged it to my speakers and i put on one of my songs HEARTATTACK but i skipped to the part were i had to do a long notE ""HEARTT ATACCCCKKK I THINK I WILL HVE A HEARTATTACK"" i turned the volume up qnd putted the speaker in the middle of the room i oressed play and ran away they all wokeup saying wtf i had a heartattack

Jade-what the hell Demi

Camila-you gave us a heart attack

d-well duh thats what the song is all about

nat-just wait until i gets my hands on u in ur tour u will be sorry

Dinah and jade - count us in
"They said in unison and then looked at each other "
d-jesus fucking Christ dont be such drama queen i have a secret to tell u guyz
Ally-don't use the lords name while cursing

Normani-a secret GUYS SHUT UP

Lauren and perrie-tell us NOW

camila-wait let me fangirl for a moment
All together -oh shut up mila

Marissa-as long as the secret is not about me i really dont care

d-shut up so today my parents and i r gonna go to meet my boyfriends family

mar-who wilmer?

d-no its not wilmer

Camila-then who?oh god this is better than gossip girl

d-weeeelllll he is going to be a part in this tour ...does it ring a bell

Lauren-CAMZ you know everyone joining here right? Sooo does it ring a bell?

Camila-ummmm let me think

After 20 minutes of thinking




Jesy and normani- ITS NICK!!!!


DEMI-yes it's nick but you guys have to keep this as a secret

Perrie-off course Demi we promise not to tell anyone

All the girls were nodding their heads as well

d-thank you guys

Camila-demi I have a confession to make ...I have always been secretly a huge NEMI shipper

D-to be honest as well since Dinah told me bout Camren and me and her we're having secret fangirl moments

Demi and Dinah high fived and then laughed with the other

Laur-lets be honest Demi helped us in more than one way

They all sat quietly with confused looked on their faces
So Lauren carried on

-she helped us not just through her songs which always seem to wow us but she also helps us to appreciate the simple things in life and to have faith that our lives will get better even after all the fights and lies we had its our life and we can change it to be proud of who we are to stay strong and love our body I don't know bout y'all but I seriously can't find enough words to even thank her for all she did for us

At the end of Lauren's speech we all were in tears already

Jade-what she's saying is true you know ? You helped us in more than one way

Camila-I seriously can't even believe you stop up for us when they wanted to take is off in the X factor "I added this from my mind it's not true" we owe you our lives Demi your owe role model our savior , our family

D-stop your gonna make me cry even more

Dinah-group hug!!!!!

Camila-now lets go eat

Ally-Jesus how can someone so small always be hungry

*after breakfast*

d-so what r u guyz gonna now??

Natalie-help u get ready DUH!!!

d-alright lets go

*after trying several dresses*

we all agreed that i would wear the long black it reaches till my knees dress with a golden belt i loved it cause it shows my back but i am going to wear a leather jacjet on it i did my hair marrisa did my makeup sel and milez did my jeweraly and natillie helped mom after i was ready i .....i kissed that girlz goodbye and went



~LUV Bayan

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