Double Duty

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Terra Venture

I was sitting in the training room, munching down on some chips as I watched Kendrix and Kai train like there was no tomorrow. They were facing each other, getting ready to go at it again.

"Come on, Kai." Kendrix kept her fists close to her face while Kai had his hands and fingers poised.

Kai threw his leg up and Kendrix was quick to block it. Kendrix went for a kick but Kai also blocked her blow. They blocked and dodged before Kendrix had Kai pinned onto the ground with a small grin before she made a remark. "No pain, no gain."

"Okay." Kai grunted. "That's enough for today."

"You mean you're just tired of hitting the mat." Kendrix hummed as she let Kai stand up.

"No. I mean I have other things to do today." Kai grabbed his towel and placed it around his neck.


"And I'm a little tired of hitting the mat."

Kendrix let out a little 'Ha!' before her towel landed on her face.

"Hey, Kendrix." Leo piped up with a grin as he walked into the room, holding a magazine while being followed by Damon and Miya. "I didn't know you were a movie star."

Leo showed her a page where a large photo of a woman was and, to my surprise, it looked like Kendrix.

"She...she looks like me." Kendrix said in awe.

"She does." Miya nodded.

"Check out the cover." Leo flipped the megazine closed and there was Kendrix' look-a-like on the cover wearing a pink top with a furred scarf. On it it read "Exclusive Interview: Carolyn Pickets.

We had decided to go and meet this Carolyn. I just tagged along because I was bored to be honest. Meeting this celebrity didn't really interest me but hey, what can I do?

I was hanging off of the back of Kai's and Kendrix' small car as we pulled up to where some people were doing so photoshooting. We stopped and Kai glanced at the magazine that was on the Pink Ranger's lap before confirming that the woman in the red dress was Carolyn. We all got out and began to walk down the hill, Leo dragging Kendrix.

Suddenly, one of their camera's exploded and a strange humanoid that wore a white, pointed hat and robes walked up and grabbed the remains of the camera before throwing them to the ground.

"Hey, stop!" Kendrix ordered as we started to run towards it. "Hold it right there!"

It opened a notepad and tore out a page, sending it flying towards us. It landed on Kendrix' thigh before it detonated, making Kendrix drop to the ground. We quickly gathered around here as the creature disappeared.

"Can you stand?" asked Damon.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I think I'm okay." Kendrix replied and we helped her to her feet. Once we made sure she could stand on her own, we made our way to Carolyn, who was sitting on the ground, moaning in what seemed like pain.

"Is she hurt?" asked Kai as he stopped behind them.

"I sure hope not." the balding man that's with Carolyn replied. "Are you hurt?"

"Yes! My ankle." Carolyn snapped.

"Hey, it's her." Damon grinned, making em roll my eyes.

"Wow, she really does look like you." Kai stated to Kendrix.

The man looked over and his mouth dropped open before slowly getting to his feet. "You do! You look exactly the same!"

"It's uncanny!" The man reached up and plucked her glasses off. He suddenly gasped and snapped his fingers. "You can take her place!"

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