Rookie in Red

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Hey guys, Sorry this took so long but now a days, this will probably be the norm for these chapters so I hope you don't mind! Enjoy and remember to comment!


Terra Venture

"Mike, can you wake up your sister? We're almost home." I heard an angelic voice say. My eyes slowly drifted open and I saw that I was in the car my parents owned. I looked around and saw Mike and Leo on either side of me, about to poke me until they saw that I was up. I felt the car pull to a stop and my parents got out.

Mike undid my seatbelt as Leo undid his and got out. Mike picked me up with almost no difficulty and got out as well, shutting the car door behind him.

"I can walk Mike." I pouted, making him laugh and put me down. I could see that Mom and Dad was already in the house so I started to walk towards it. As I walked, I noticed a strange smell in the air that was coming from the house, making me frown. I heard a popping sound a minute later, like fireworks. I looked at the windows and saw a orange glow coming from inside and I started to run now. I could hear my brothers calling for me but I kept running. A loud boom sounded as the house exploded outwards, causing me to go flying back.

As I landed on my back, Rubble started to come at me. I quickly got up and turned, starting to run when a glass shard came towards me an-

I bolted up right in my bed, gasping with sweat slowly crawled down my face. My room was dark save for the soft glow of a dim blue light in the middle of the room. I slowly got up and stumbled in my bathroom, turning on the light. I turned on the faucet and splashed water in my face, calming myself down. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed before turning the water off and walking out, shutting off the light. The clock on the wall read 5:30 in the morning, so I decided to get dressed and start the day earlier than usual.

I opened my door and glanced down the hall before slipping out and walked down one corridor. I made sure to be as quiet as I could, tip toeing. Thankfully, My room was the closes to the hallway and the walkway to the mountain range dome. I made it to the dome in record time. I hiked up a mountain until I got to a large grassy hill and sat. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them, my chin on my knees.

I must had fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being carried bridal style, my head on the person's chest. I opened my eyes and from what I could see, dawn was here. My tired eyes moved to the chest and I saw something green. I wonder who was carrying me since I knew it wasn't Leo. I started to tilt my head up when the person stopped me.

"Sleep cub," a deep voice said. "the dreams can't get to you."

Strange, I thought. Only one to call me that was Mike when we were younger. My mind didn't linger on it for too long as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, someone was shaking my shoulder. My eyes slowly flutter open and Kai was kneeling next to me and I realized that I was leaning against the wall in a hallway.

"What are you doing in the hall?" Kai asked once he noticed that I was awake.

"I must have fallen asleep...I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Kai sighed as he helped me up. "Come on, let's get you to your room."

The morning went on like any other after that. I showered, got dressed and brushed my teeth before heading out. I already know about Leo wanting to officially become one of the Venture crew and I support him. I just hope that it wasn't a mistake. I was mainly on my own, just walking around, going out into the city and watch watching everyone.

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