The Lights of Orion

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Terra Venture

I was in my quarters, sitting on my bed and reading a book. Miya and Kendrix, who were supposed to hang out with me today, had to go and check an energy reading. So, I simply waited for them to come back. I kept reading, turning the page when I was finished until my morpher beeped.

"Go for Neon." I answered.

"Neon, we need to go." Leo stated. "Kendrix and Miya's in trouble."

"I'm on my way." I grabbed my venture jacket before heading out and I met the others on the Astro Megaship and we morphed before getting into our Jet Jammers. We got to the mountain dome in record time and we can see the two being held by Sting Winger's and Furio was standing in front of them.

Luckily, we were able to switch to our new vehicles, the Astro Cycle and we charged in, blasting at the bugs and stopped.

"You guys got here just in time." Kendrix stated.

"What are these?" questioned Miya.

"These are our new Astro Cycles." Leo told them.

"They're the bomb, huh?" Damon patted his.

"I'll say." Miya looked over each one."

"For my next trick..." Furio suddenly said from behind, making us look. Furio had a cape and a top hat on strangely and he had a humanoid bug lady thing there with him. There was a box in between them, making me frown.

"What are you up to, Furio?" Leo, Damon and I got off our cycles and walk a few steps forward.

"You like magic, red ranger? Orange ranger?" questioned Furio. "I have something special just for you two."

"We don't have time for your tricks!"

"The lovely Trakeena." Furio ignored Leo and gestured to the bug lady he came with.

"Thank you, Furio." hummed Trakeena.

"Alakazam! Open the box!" Furio demanded and Trakeena walked over and grabbed the lid of the box and opened it. Standing in the box, with his arms crossed over his chest was...

"What?! Mike!" Leo took a few steps forward while I stood there in shock at what I'm seeing. That's when the Sting Wingers attacked. I shook my head and began fighting them, punching and kicking and slashing.

"Mike! Let him go, Furio!" I heard Leo demanded. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw Leo throw the bugs off and went to is Astro Cycle and I quickly followed suit. We began to follow where we saw the truck drove away. It wasn't that hard to find since it seemed like they bailed but left the box there.

Leo and I both powered down before approaching, cautiously looking around. We jumped into the truck bed and opened the box- but Mike wasn't in it.

"Leo..." I looked up at him.

"Don't worry." he reassured me, slipping an arm around my shoulders. "We'll find him."

We jumped off and began to search. Luckily, we found them pretty quickly.

When Trakeena lifted Mike's face, Leo tried to charge in but Kai stopped him, forcing him to go low.

"We need a plan." Kai whispered.

"I have an idea." Miya piped up before looking at our green ranger. "Damon, you be the decoy."

"Me be the decoy?" Damon stared at her. "It's your brilliant idea, you be the decoy."

They both stared at each other before Miya finally pushed Damon to his feet, motioned him to go. Damon looked like he was about the argue but he just slumped in defeat and went running off. The others went to the same direction he did while Leo and I want the opposite way.

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