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Yesterday, I almost lost Ryder.

Why? We both fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Ryder screaming for me to wake up, shrieking in terror. His mask was on the floor, ripped to shreds. The sheets had been pulled off the mattress we'd pulled onto the roof for now, and all the food was gone. When I looked up, I saw Ryder, struck with fear, held tight in long black tendrils.

I hurried to grip his rough hands and pull, but it was tough. The creature had him held up high, and he was dangling just out of my reach. Luckily, though, the idiot let his guard down for a moment, and I pulled Ryder down. With a flash, Slendy was gone. Ryder and I lay breathless on the floor, dizzy and exhausted.

We both learned an important lesson yesterday. Caffeine is our new best friend. In all seriousness. I don't have the time for a long update.. Ryder and I are packing up to move once again, and that will take a while. Until next time, Proxies, stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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