Chapter Six

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Chantell’s POV

“I just don’t know weather I should go or not” I partially heard Stacey say as we headed down the hallway toward the cafeteria.

“Chantell Amy Parker!”, Amy’s voice boomed,” Were you even listening to me?” she demanded. Even thought I had only been here for a couple of week Stacey and I knew pretty much every thing about each other. Full name. Favourite colour. State of birth. First kiss (which didn’t amply to me). We could practically write an encyclopaedia on each other.

“Of course” I lied

“Don’t lie to me”

“fine I wasn’t. I just cant stop thinking about him” I replied drifting off towards the end. Stacey chucked before replying.

“Girl, you got it bad.”

“I know” was my faint reply.

*          *          *          *          *          *

Before I knew it was fifth period. Just one more hour before I cold escape from this place and all chances of bumping into Scott. Speak of the devil.

“So your coming over to mine after school, right?” questioned Stacey obviously know what my answer because she stared planning out what we would be doing.

“You’ve go to be f*cking kidding me” I said quietly to myself but it mustn’t of been that quite because I demanded to know what I was talking about.

“Look around” I informed her as we stepped further into the class room.

“Oh Scott” she replied quietly just loud enough to be comprehensible. Yes Scott. Who else did she think I was talking about? He was the only one who made my heart skip a beat. The only one who was truly gorgeous. The only one who was perfect. It was going to be a lot hared to get him to fall for him if I didn’t even have the courage to look at him let a-lone talk to him.

I would just have to ’man up’ and speak to him. The rest would be history. I took a deep breath and walked over to the seat next to him which obviously confused Stacey because she looked at me with that ’what on earth are you doing’ look. I gave her a small smile to inform her that I had it all under control. Oh this was going to be fun.

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