Chapter One

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(A/N hey guys I had this new idea for story so I thought I should give it a go.....I'm not too sure about it so let me know what your thoughts are......anyway on with the story.)

Chapter One

Chantell's POV

"Mum,for the last time, I.AM.NOT.MOVING!" i said pausing between each word to make an emphasis on my words. I looked at my mother with rage tearing through me, consuming my body and swallowing it whole.

"Chantell sweetie"my mother replied in a calm menacing tone,"You don't get an option.Your moving weather or not you like so its time you stop acting like a spoilt brat and go upstairs and pack you things." She managed to keep her calm façade the whole time she was talking. If she was annoyed she wasn't showing it.  

"Fine,"I retorted.

I walked slowly up the stairway and entered my room,sorry, my old room. I couldn't really call it 'my' room anymore,it just didn't fit. I scanned over the room smiling to myself as my eyes hovered of the organization. I walked over to my window and looked out to see the same view I had seen for the last six years of my life. 'His' window. He lived right next door and I just had to be moving away. Anyway it's not like he ever noticed me.

I felt myself sigh as I realized that I was never going to get him to like me no matter has hard I tried. He was out of my league. I turned away and walked over towards my bed and stroked the sheets with the back of my hand. Tears verged on the edge of my eyes but I bilked furiously preventing them from leaking down onto my cheeks. I sighed silently to myself and began packing up the contents on my desk into a box. I knew that I was going to miss this place.

* * * * * *

I stared out the car window onto the street that I would be calling 'my street'. I looked at all the houses as we passed them one by one. The we're absolutely beautiful in all of their enormity. Finally my father turned into a driveway which I assumed was ours.

"Home,Sweet,Home" my mother said with excitement lacing her voice. I opened my mouth to make a snide remark but I want in the mood for arguing with her do I closed it just as quickly as I opened it. I hoped out of the car grabbing the few items I had packed for the car ride. I headed over to the front door where my dad has began to unlock the front door to our new house.

I marveled in the enormity of the foyer. It was massive,well what I would call massive. To the left was a magnificent set of stairs. To the right was a small(compared to the rest of the house)sized room. In the middle was a large wooden desk. A few officy items laid on the desk so I assumed that that was the office. Great thing about this house,it came with the furniture. And let me tell you from what I had already seen.....I liked the furniture.I continued to make my way through the house into the kitchen and dinning area and passing the laundry on the way. As I stepped out into the large open plan area it took my breath away it was just so spacious and so......perfect.

I decided to go upstairs and check out my soon to be room. 'wow!'i thought to myself. Along the far wall to the left was a built in sliding wardrobe that extended the full length of the wall with a mirror covering the pale cream doors. In the center of the wall opposite me was a large queen bed with a lilac quilt covering it. The room was painted a soft pink that tied in perfectly with the quilt. To be quite honest with you i didn't like pink but it this case I wouldn't have asked for anything different.

I walked over to the window behind the bed and rooked out to see the neighbors window. I sighed to myself wishing that I still lived in my old house,my old room so I would still be able to see him. Oh well all I can do is hope that I meet some other cute guy that actually notices me.

So what did you guys think??? Good bad average???....oh btw I threw in the part bout the guy next door to prove that she actually does like guys i can't say much more without giving too much will make more sense later on. I tried to edit mot of it but feel free to point out any errors.....anyway comments would be appreciated and votes.votes are always appreciated hehehe .... Until next time

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