Chapter Two

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Chantell's POV

I woke the next morning feeling remarkable refreshed. I propped my pillow up enabling me to sit up. I smiled vaguely to myself, then I remembered. School today.

"Yay"I said sarcastically. Like hell I wanted to go to school.we only just moved in yesterday and now they were already forcing me to do things I didn't want to do.

I decided that I would do every thing in my power to stay home I was not willing to take o for an answer.I swiftly got out of bed and climbed down the stairs taking two at a time. I made my way into the kitchen where I found my mum and dad sitting at the dinning table both with a hot cup of coffee and a newspaper in their hands.

"Morning"I said cheerfully getting prepare to take my plan into action.

"morning"they replied looking up from their newspaper simultaneously.

"So what's on the agenda of today?" I asked innocently hoping that they would latch onto my plan other wise it would be all over red rover.

"well you young lady, are going to school today so you better go and get ready",she said looking at her watch,"your father and I are staying her to unpack.

"Great!",I said enthusiastically,"I can stay and help you then?"

My father opened his mouth to sleek and from the on I knew that this would be a long conversation that I probably would not end up winning.

* * * * * *

I clambered out of my dads black ford and let out a deep sigh. I really didn't want to be here. As you probably have already figured out i lost and i saw sent of to school in despair

I decided to make my way towards the administration block. From all the signs I had see they all told me that i as heading in the right direction. I pushed the larger glass doors inwards reading to the sigh carefully on the door making sure that I was supposed to 'push' rather than 'pull'.

I walked over to the first desk and introduced my self to the lady behind it. Her name tag read 'Maureen'.'Nice name' I though silently to myself nodding my head as I repeated the name in my head nodding my head slightly.

Maureen handed me a diary with a complete timetable of my scheduled classes and my locker combination. I set of on my way to my locker and to find my first class which happened to be English.

I opened up my locker placing the books that i wouldn't need till later on in the day inside.

"Hey" said the female voice behind me making me turn around jumping right  out of my skin. Standing there was a girl she was around my age and she had silky brown wavy hair that fell smoothly down the side of her face brushing on her rossie cheeks. She had stunning hazel eyes that took you and your breath away as you stared into them. She didn't look like she was wearing any make up which amazed me since she was so stunning.

"Oh, I'm sorry i didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine i replied with a smile to backup my statement.

"I'm Stacey" she said holding out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Chantell,I'm new" i replied

"yeah i know" she said "we have most of our classes together and i was wondering if you would like me to show your around?"

I smiled thanking my lucky stars that there was at least one genuenlly nice person around this place.

* * * * *

The day progressed quickly,well quick enough for me, and before I knew it the final bell sounded. I never thought in my whole life that I would be so disappointed to hear the sound of my freedom from this place but today I was . It actually had been the best day at school I had had in a long time and on top of that i made a definite Kepler of a friend.

Oh by the way did I tell you the good news???Stacey lives next door to me! I know right, what are the chances of that happening I could be living next door the school drama queen or some other stuck up b*tch but instead god had been looking after me and decided that he would be nice to me. About time.

(A/N okay so i would really appreciate some comments as i get to know weather you like it or not and what improvement i can make to make it thee best story possible. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading and i will try to upload soon. moymoy7

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