Chapter 10: The Final Journey

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That night... I will always remember it for as long as I live.But there's no telling when everything will end, except for me.

~I dreamt that I was walking a vast field of tall grass. I haven't seen this place before though. I could see a single tree in the distance. I was wearing a white long sleeve and black pants. Did I attended a wedding earlier? I have no memory. I felt the urge to walk towards the large tree I saw earlier. It was early in the morning, the sun was just starting to rise. I saw a figure of a man and a dog sitting under the tree. As I got closer, I recognized that the man was Dad. And he was with Brownie, our dog. 

"What is this place?", I asked.

"I'm not sure son.", Dad replied.

Brownie happily sat and looked at me. I got closer and hugged him. 

"Its important that you enjoy life Jason. Its a blessing that can disappear without any warnings.", Dad said.

"I know that Dad. But...", I answered.

"I understand what you feel. Will you be able to stay happy with her?"

"Of course. Because I know that she is the one for me. For real this time haha."

"That's my boy. Don't forget to take care of Brownie, okay?"

"Surething Dad."

Brownie barked in joy. But then a sudden thump woke me up.

I was sitting in the auditorium. Everyone was chatting, going places, waiting for practices to start. It was the first day. My 12 years in this institution was about to end. I don't have any regrets to be honest, since everything went well. I had no problem in my position, since I could approach anybody. I made a lot of friends, so I can go anywhere. But since Jae's friends were absent because of their college applications, I was stuck with her. 

"Kuyaaa. How come you're smart?", Jae asked.

"Why? Aren't you gifted too?", I said.

"Kinda..? I'm more on hands-on processes rather than analysis."

"Welp, that's where we're different haha. I'm good in analyzing problems and situations."

"That makes us a dangerous tag team in Engineering!"

"You bet!"

~A few days have passed, we got to practice the flow of the graduation program. I walked out because it was Lunch Break already. I couldn't find April, so I went to the second floor of the Canteen building. I saw Parson, with Edgel and Dominic. I decided to approach them.

"Jasonnn!", Parson said.

I gave him, Edgel and Dominic their respective fistbumps. "How's it going?", I asked.

"We're planning on having a swimming party this vacation. Wanna join??", Dominic said.

"Absolutely! I want to beat the summer heat hahaha.", I replied.

"Nice nice. That's 5 members now. We still have 8 to go. You think they'll join?", Edgel added.

"I think so. Its a reunion before we go our separate ways for good this time.", Parson said.

Then on my way back to the auditorium, I was met by Prince, Brandon, Blake and Kate. 

"Jason!", Prince said.

"Yow.", I replied.

"Remember our research about the auditorium?", Brandon asked.

"How could I forget?" Basically, it was the first time I led a research team and completed it in dynamic fashion. 

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