Easy hellos

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When you meet someone in the five seconds it takes to say hi, each person develops an incipient idea about the other person. I find it easy to say hello to any person, friend or foe. For a warm hello is a start of a friendship, afterwards we become friends and get to know each other but after a while I used the person being in my life, my greatest fear is that I become too attached to one person. Because I can’t them let them go, and that tears at my insides. It fills me with bitterness and hate for myself, it’s like my mind is saying “you’re too soft”. And that’s another factor that contributed to the hard shell, I stay away from people because I can’t ever say goodbye without it ripping me in half. The pain is slowly healing, mending the open wounds and removing the virus of grief and misery. This is my greatest weakness, to open to others, as time goes on I’ll smile yet again, the pain is fading. As the shadows fade away when meet they meet the light.

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