CHAPTER 11: Simply Smooth Salsa

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As part of the brand-new curriculum for English as of the Spring Shuffle, every student is now required to open a blog written completely in English for assessment and improvement throughout the entire year. You will sign up an account using your default school email account at the Momiji Academy website. Using your social networking profile in the site, you will sign up for a blog titled “Homeroom 1-A English Progress Blog.”

Each day, you will be assigned a blog entry that may be due at the end of the period or even the next day depending on the schedule. The purpose of writing these entries is to improve your written, reading, and comprehension of English. I will be logging in and will be reading your blog entries and will be leaving private comments to you regarding my assessment with your blog. Your fellow classmates are also allowed to comment on your entries as long as they are doing peer review with your entry.

If you have any questions regarding the new English Progress blog system, please contact me or contact your fellow classmate.

BLOG ENTRY #1: “My First Blog Entry”

Give a brief introduction of yourself. Include your name, age, when and where you were born and if you are not originally from Hinasaki, please write about your hometown and the things you miss about your hometown that Hinasaki doesn’t have. On the second paragraph, talk a little bit about your family. On the third paragraph, in your opinion, why is English a required core class in Japanese schools and how is learning English can benefit you. Conclusion paragraph: Just some witty words you would like to share or how your classmates would remember you by when you write your blog entries. (^_^)


- End of the period. You will be having brand-new laptops assigned in class provided by the school. You may use these laptops to do your schoolwork, especially when you are blogging in your English blogs. The reason being is because your English blogs are hosted by the school intranet server and that only school computers have access to the intranet. Keep in mind that these laptops are school property and that you must take care of them. They cost quite a lot of money and therefore repairs are also costly, so please be careful in handling them.

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