CHAPTER 6: Stardust House: The Movie

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Since it was first day, we didn’t receive that much homework from our classes. That is, we didn’t receive that much homework that was due tomorrow. We get to write our first English poetry that was due this Friday and we had to have our login accounts set up for the school’s science website. We will be studying life science for this trimester for science but reading the chapter was the only homework that we have for today. As for math, first-year students, well I don’t know if it applies to all first-year students, will be starting off with Trigonometry and basic Precalculus for math. I hate math personally, especially those scary word problems no matter if they were in Japanese, English, or Chinese, but for some odd reason I get decent marks for them. We’re reading

Heike Monogatari

for classic literature class and we have to read two chapters before tomorrow. Last but not least, one chapter of the first period of the Sengoku Era to be read before history class tomorrow. Lots of reading.

In two days, for P.E., we will be playing baseball for the first time. Tomorrow will be world history, elective course, and home economics. Fun.

Many of the teen idols were picked up by fancy-looking limo-like cars right at the front school gates. Since today was also first day of meetings and tryouts for sports teams and most non-athletic clubs, we all stayed after school. It was somewhat heartbreaking for me to see my brother, Mirai, Kaito, Shunta, Himemiya, and Shinoda (well, maybe except Shinoda, who the hell would want to get heartbroken with a demon disguised as an innocent cutie? I admit he is cute but that’s all.) to leave right away from school because of their interviews and photo shoots in the downtown area, however I kept my head up knowing I’ll eventually see all of them at home anyway.

Tomi was rather upset at some of the habits many students around Momiji Academy that she witnessed throughout her first day so she went to the first student council meeting to join the Disciplinary Committee. She also took a liking to the student council president, Ryohei Amano. Her motto was that if she couldn’t win the heart of one of the Starduster Studs due to their showbiz careers, at least she may have more chances to get closer to Amano-senpai. Ambitious, aren’t we? I had to admit, Amano-senpai was pretty hot, even when he wears glasses. You don’t get those types of guys that often as of late. To me, for the second year boys, Amano-senpai would be the prince while Tai-nii would be his bodyguard, his best knight warrior.

Chie wanted to be more of a more proper Japanese girl so she joined mostly cultural clubs: the calligraphy club and the tea ceremony club. The baseball couple, Dori and Momo-chan, made their way together at the baseball stadium for baseball team tryouts. Jun and me, you already know which club we headed.

Our first meeting at the Singers and Songwriters Club were pretty decent. Apparently, there weren’t that many aspiring musicians who believe in the innovation and the art of original, artistic pop (or rock) music that we don’t normally hear on the radio or on TV as of late. There were only three people including myself who can actually play an instrument without proper training. The requirement for a club to be considered an official school club here at Momiji Academy is five members and only seven people showed up.

Apparently, Jun and I were the only girls in the club. The rest were guys. Decent, non-teen idol dudes who can actually pass on as being teen idols without being in showbiz themselves. When we went through introductions, all of these five guys admitted that they were inspired by their girlfriends for them to write and express their feelings through song. Jun and I even thought to ourselves that these guys were pretty hot, ambitious, and open-minded individuals and that they are eligible to be potential boyfriends for us. Sadly (or maybe not?), all of them have girlfriends already.

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