3- Saving a life

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I stood outside the Beaver's Club looking at my reflection in the door, adjusting my shirt and pants, then ran my fingers through my hair, making sure I looked okay before going into the club, and before I ran into Hazel. As I walked inside, I was stopped by a couple asking for a light. "Sorry, I don't smoke." I tell them, and continued walking, while keeping my eyes out for her. I then stopped walking when I got over by the bar, and when I still didn't see her, I stopped one of the waitresses walking by, to see if she had seen her, "No, sorry, I haven't seen her for quite a while."


I sat down at the bar, ordered a drink, and handed the bartender my credit card, "Keep a tab open for me, please."

After he handed me my drink, I spun my chair around with the drink in my hand, and scanned the room while sipping on my bourbon. There she is... I muttered with a grin. Damn she looks good, I thought to myself, and as she bent over to hand a gentleman his drink, I could feel myself swelling below. While I sat and watched her, my phone rang. Rolling my eyes, I reached into my upper pocket, and answered my phone. "You've got to be kidding me." I said, disturbed after they explained to me the situation. "Description, and location?" I asked, reaching for a pen, and grabbing a coaster to write on. "I'm on it, I'll call you once I complete the hit." I sighed, closing my eyes as I hung up the phone.

I shove the coaster into my pocket, and quickly finished my drink, waving for the bartender to come over. "Work called; I've got a bit of an emergency to tend to." I turned around, wanting to let Hazel know I was here, and had to leave, but now didn't see her, and turned back to the bartender. "I'll take my car, and will just pay cash for my drink. Could you let Hazel know that I, Diego, stopped by?"

"Sure can," he says, handing me my credit card, and change.

"Thanks," I say, setting a nice tip underneath my glass.

I started walking towards the door, and felt a hand rest onto my shoulder. "Leaving so soon?" I hear a beautiful voice say behind me. I stopped walking, and turned my head to the side, recognizing it was Hazel's voice I heard, and smiled.

"I'm sorry, work called, and it's a bit of an emergency that needs to immediately be taken care of. Depending on how things go, I'll try and be back later." I cupped the side of her face, and leaned to her cheek, kissing it. "Have a good night if I don't see you later."

I got home as fast as I could, wanting to get this job done, and walked into my high-rise apartment. I quickly changed into my work clothes, grabbed my Silverballer, and concealed it into my holster, hidden inside my jacket. I took the elevator down into the underground garage, making sure I wasn't followed as I walked to my car, and hopped into my Jaguar. I grabbed the coaster, and typed the address I was given into my map system, and headed out.

While driving to the location, I thought about the situation, and was bothered by what this man did, and was happy that I was called for this mission. I have no problem whatsoever taking this sick fucker out. The job, you might ask? I was asked to kill a man who had gotten away with rape of a man's fourteen-year-old daughter while she was on her way to school. The court system failed the family, and wanted the man to pay for what he did. So here I am, hired to get rid of the piece of shit scumbag.

When I arrived to the location, I parked far enough away where I could get a good look at the rooms, and shook my head as I looked at the motel. What a fucking shithole. I say, as I looked at the run-down motel, located outside of town. Thank heavens it is. I sat in my car looking at all the rooms, trying to figure out which room he would be in. The caller wasn't exactly sure of the room number, and had only given me a description of the scumbag. He also informed me that he could very well be in the room with another victim. Knowing what I was about to do, I hoped and prayed he was alone.

Diego Lombardi; The Hitman (SAMPLE, AVAILABLE ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now