2- Following her

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Mr. Alexander~

After leaving my meeting with Diego, I walked to my car, and looked back at the bar, wondering if Diego will go through with my hit. After all, I did give him quite an offer, how can he refuse? I muttered. I went straight home thinking Crystal would be gone, and as I walked in, and towards my bedroom, I began taking off my tie, and stopped in the doorway when I saw Crystal slipping into her nightgown. I stood there for a moment, watching her, and thinking how happy I'll be, once she's gone.

I walked up to her from behind, and rested my hands on her shoulders while leaning over, and kissing her on the cheek. "Good evening, darling." I say in a low quiet tone. Her head tilted to the side, and rested her hands on top of mine, humming as I placed soft kisses along her neck. "How was your night?" I ask, not that I really care how her night was, I just don't need her suspiciously thinking I'm up to something.

She turned around, and gave me a curious, and worried look. "I've been waiting hours for you to come home, and was just getting ready to go to bed. Where on earth have you been all night?" she quietly asked, looking hurt.

"I had some very important business to take care of, and didn't think you would be home, so I stopped and had a couple cocktails with the guys." I said, somewhat telling her the truth.

She looked at me surprised, wrapped one of her arms around me, and cupped the side of my face, with her other hand. "Where else would I be?" she asked, staring me in the eyes. Then furrowed her eyebrows, when I didn't respond to her right away, and began looking at me like I was trying to pick a fight with her.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" I questioned, removing her hand from my face, and removed myself from her embrace. I didn't like being questioned, or the way she was looking at me, and wanted to finish removing my clothes, and to get into something more comfortable.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about, you knew I was off tonight. You even brought up that since we both had a night off, how nice it would be for us to finally go out, and to finally be able to spend quality alone time together" she says, with her hands on her hips.

"I forgot." I groaned. I honestly did forget I said that to her, and I still have no idea why I did. Knowing her, she'll hold that against me, and will keep bringing it up until the day she dies.

As I started unbuttoning my shirt, she walked up in front of me, removed my hands away from my shirt, and began unbuttoning the rest of my buttons. "By the way, I gave the housekeeper the night off, made dinner for us, and placed your dinner into the oven to keep warm," she says, taking my shirt off, and wrapping her arms around me, while kissing my chest.

"Thanks, but I already ate... I don't know why you gave her the night off, I specifically told her that there were many things that need to be done around here, and insisted they needed to be done immediately... why don't you go, and put the food away for me." I say frustrated, pulling her arms off me, and turning around to walk out of the room. As I walked out of the bedroom, I could feel her eyes on me, glaring evilly at me, and was most likely wondering what my problem was. I could care less what she was thinking, as I couldn't stand to be around her anymore. Lately, I've been trying not coming home, and when I do, I make sure it's extremely late, and when I'll know she's asleep. Tonight, I just happened to make a mistake, and come home sooner than planned. Being as late as it was, I thought she was asleep, or even gone.

I walked into my office, and sat in my chair at my desk, leaning back in my chair with my hands behind my head, thinking, I really hope Diego comes through with this hit, and gets rid of her sooner than the month I gave him.

As I sat in my chair, I forgot to shut the door, and watched her walk past my office looking upset, and heard her go into the kitchen. I could see she was upset with me, and could hear how upset she was with how noisy she was being in the kitchen, and how she let the oven door slam shut. I didn't feel like listening to her be a baby any longer, or the way she was slamming dishes around, and got up to close the door. After she cleaned the mess up in the kitchen, I assumed she was going to leave me alone, and go bed, I was wrong, and a bit surprised when she walked into my office. As I poured myself a glass of scotch, I could hear the annoyance in her by the way she was breathing, while standing in the doorway staring at me. I didn't care one bit if she was annoyed, or hurt, and ignored her presence. I rolled my eyes as I set the bottle of scotch down, walked away without looking or saying anything to he, and sat down at my desk, acting like I was busy doing paperwork.

Diego Lombardi; The Hitman (SAMPLE, AVAILABLE ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now