call 17

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"is this really happening. is the june, really calling me?"

"don't let it get to your head buddy."

"to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"just checking to see if a car finally hit you."

"your love for me never ceases to warm my heart."

"are you alive?"

"besides a killer hangover, i'm in one piece."

"that's a shame."

"did i uh, embarrass myself last night?"

"besides professing your undying love for me, your drunk state is pretty bland."

"i, woah wait, ummm... haha look june-"

"just kidding dude, you're safe. although i think i should recommend some aa meetings."

"oh, ummm. yeah. thank god, phew! wouldn't want you thinking anything drastic now would we?"

"oh yeah, totally."

"hey! besides, i am not an alcoholic! well, just on weekends. anyways, why are you up so early?"

"johnny, it's like ten in the morning."

"yeah, i'll ask again. why so early?"

"you're so weird, it actually hurts me."

"glad to know i have that effect on you junebug."

The Day Johnny Met June ✓Where stories live. Discover now