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"miller's bakery -"

"johnny! get me a chocolate croissant would ya!"

"mum, you're sitting right next to me. you don't have to yell in my fucking ear."

"language young man!"

"oh hey june, how's it going?"

"i'm wrapping up the chocolate croissant as we speak. i don't need to be a potential witness to a butter knife murder."

"aw! you care about my existence."

"actually, i hope your mum finds a serrated knife."

"that was unnecessary."

"boo hoo. anyways what do you want?"

"i thought you were already aware of the crime scene taking place."

"one chocolate croissant it is. anything else?"

"personally, i'm craving something a little... monotone."

The Day Johnny Met June ✓Where stories live. Discover now