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"what the - it's two fucking a.m, what do you want?"

"juuunneeee! oh my junebug, i missing you, like missing you much. like a lot."

"english please."

"june, i think we should - wait, we should not get married. but i want to. but you will always be mean to me. i can't have a mean wife. i need a nice wife. you're not very nice junebug."

"johnny, are you drunk?"

"i'm not drunk, you're drunk."


"nope! just me!"

"where are you?"

"i'm just standing."

"where are you standing johnny?"

"in the middle of the road."


"i kid, i just kidding."

"fucking idiot."

"you said a bad word!"

"great, i'm dealing with a five year old."


"yes johnny?"

"i think i might like you."

"no you don't johnny."

"but what if i do!"

"you just, you really shouldn't."

The Day Johnny Met June ✓Where stories live. Discover now