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"Girl this baby is only three weeks old and he's already six feet tall with hair down his back." Marco's girlfriend, Desire, joked as Marco held him.

"I know right."Aubree laughed, "He's gonna be tall just like his daddy."

"Girl, in speaking of his father, I know Dre is happy that he has a little son out here holding him down with you. I bet he can finally sleep a little lighter now."

"This isn't Dre's baby." Aubree sighed.

"Whaaat? You're lying right?" Desire questioned.

"Not at all... Cincere's last name is Ceszar. Dre's last name is Carter."

"Ceszar? Come to think of it..." Desire started.

"So when you plan on bringing this little boy to my chair?" Marco questioned Aubree, cutting Desire off.

"Whatever Marco." Aubree smiled, "I am not cutting my baby's hair. Besides, his daddy would kill me."

"Little man gon' have wifey's in first grade with all this." Desire smiled.

It had been three weeks since Aubree had Baby Cincere, and it seemed as if she couldn't rest at all. Between the Baby Cincere's middle-of-the-night toddler rants, and crying, to her workers and customers hounding her about everything from leaving the block early to not being on the block enough. Aubree had no time to think about herself. After all, she as a mother now, and she had another mouth to feed. After checking up on her blocks, trap spots, safe houses, etc. Aubree made sure to re-up or restock before taking it in. By the time she was done making her rounds, she was all maxed out. Aubree needed a break. So she called on Youngin', the young cat that Dre raised in the streets and left him in charge, supplying him with enough weight to make up for a three week drought. After stopping by Youngin's spot, and after checking on the spots that she had taken over, in Ceeloz's neighborhood, Aubree spotted a familiar face, in a familiar restaurant. It was Ceeloz, having dinner with a light skin toned female with long silky hair. This infuriated Aubree because she had been calling him all day and he had not returned her phone calls. The fact that he had ditched her and their son for some random female put Aubree over the edge.

"What the fuck is this?" Aubree questioned herself, parking her car outside of the restaurant while speed dialing Ceeloz's cell phone.

Not taking an eye off him, Aubree watched as Ceeloz did a quick glance at the phone, and placed it back on the inside of his blazer. What drove her more up the wall was the fact that he appeared to have brushed her off to the random as if it her call was nothing important which told her that the random had no information about her son, Ceeloz's newborn son. And at this moment, she recalled the way he wined and dined her, but now he was blowing her and their son off for a no one as if they were no one. Aubree began to question everything that Ceeloz had ever told her. Aubree also wondered who this chick could be. Her view was limited because the girl's back was facing the window. What Aubree did know, was that this chick wasn't his wife. Aubree was certain of what she looked like and had seen her too many times, besides this girl was way younger than his wife. Hell, she looked to be almost younger than Aubree. From what Aubree could make out of her was that she looked about the same age Aubree was when she and Ceeloz first started kicking it, and she didn't doubt for one moment that he was probably using those same lines and selling her those same dreams he sold her. Fed up with over thinking, a worked up Aubree hopped out of the car and immediately went inside.

"What's up Ceeloz?" Aubree smiled, "What's this?"

As Aubree got closer, she noticed that Ceeloz and the random appeared to be sitting with very intimate postures. The two almost looked as if they were a couple.

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