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"Hello." Aubree answered her phone.

"Baby?" Ceeloz called from the other end.

"What Ceeloz?" Aubree questioned, not in the mood for any form of interaction with him.

"You mad at me Baby Doll?"

"What you think Ceeloz? The shit you do. The shit you do... is foul. You lied to me."

"Babydoll..."Ceeloz started in his laid back tone, "I just thought you would have never given me a chance had I told you the truth about my life, and especially my age."

"Ceeloz...It's been seven months...I had to find out from your daughter. Were you not in the same room as us? That was messed up. Then you have the nerve to call me at 2 A.M. trying to apologize. I don't want to hear any of it."

"Babydoll, stop tripping on me. I'm sorry."

"Whatever man...but you know what...since we're keeping secrets, here's one for your ass...I'm four months pregnant!" Without giving him a chance to respond, Aubree slammed her cellular phone close, dropped it on the floor, and rolled back over to lose herself in sleep.

By the time Aubree rolled over the next morning, she had twelve unheard messages on her phone. However, she did not want anything to do with Ceeloz in this moment, not even a conversation. She simply deleted them all and continued to lie there, looking up at the ceiling, still in shock. Then the phone rang.

"What?!" Aubree yelled, picking up the phone.

"Aub...Cool out man. It's me, Justice." Justice stated from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, what's up?" Aubree questioned, calming down but not too much.

"What you doing?" Justice questioned.

"Just woke up...lying here." Aubree responded, not in the mood for conversation.

"Oh word?" Justice started, "I need to roll through."

"Man Justice, it's kinda early and I don't really feel like being bothered much."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Word?" Justice questioned, surprised.

"Yes, Justice."

"Well you know they say that's the best kind...In fact, I heard it actually helps the baby."

"What the fuck are you talking about Justice?"

"I'm just saying man. You know I want you. I always have. You see the way I look at you. You always teasing me, making me beg. Come on, I know I'm better than the rest of these niggas thirst over you...So what this new nigga got it like that? I know I'm way better than that fuck nigga I heard you be up and down the blocks wit."

"Whatever Justice, as a matter of fact, get the fuck off of my phone. You know damn well I've never been with anyone other than Dre, and you know damn well I would never give it to you. Even if you were dying you couldn't taste this." Aubree snapped at him trying her.

"Man girl you can cancel that lie. You obviously fucking that new nigga if Dre behind the wall and you pregnant, 'cause I know damn well that nigga ain't getting conjugal visits. Shid, honestly, you owe me that pussy. I see y'all every day. I even got a couple of y'all late night creeps on camera, especially the one in the back of his truck. I'm tryna see what that pussy like live, I been waiting on it since high school. I feel like unless you want his wife to know you should do as I say."

"You call yourself blackmailing me Justice?" A now heated Aubree questioned.

"Call it what you want I'm just tryna get what I deserve."

"What you deser...I tell you what. You do that...Lame ass niggas make lame ass moves." Aubree chuckled, "Typical... No one you gotta beg for some pussy...Creepy ass motherfucker." Aubree stated, hanging up the phone leaving Justice shocked on the other end.

Aubree couldn't believe what was happening. Everything was starting to go downhill. All she knew was that she had to get out of the mess, and she hadn't even recall when she had fallen so deep. She couldn't believe it. She had fall victim to the rush, and now it was time to do something about it. With her mind overflowing with questions, Aubree suddenly fell sick. So immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up all of the monsters inside of her.

3 months later.

"Ceeloz," Aubree cried, "I'm...I'm at the hospital...I'm about to have the baby..."

It had been four hours since Aubree had spoken with Ceeloz, and he was just now walking into the room. Suddenly he woke her with a kiss on the forehead.

"You're beautiful at all times." Ceeloz smiled.

"Ceeloz," Aubree started, straightening herself up the hospital bed, "I called you four hours ago."

"I'm sorry Baby doll. But my wife was going to wonder why I was leaving at 3 'o' clock in the morning." Ceeloz smiled, gazing at Aubree's beauty, grill shining.

"Whatever, man."Aubree whispered, "You're sell pounds of weed. You mean to tell me you couldn't tell her it was something related to that?"

"Where's my baby?"

Rolling her eyes, "In the nursery...So, plan on signing his birth certificate?"

"A boy?" Ceeloz questioned with a wide smile. "After three girls...I've finally gotten my lil man."

"Answer me."

"Aubree... you know I'm going to. Now can you please get them to bring me my son?" An anxiously excited Ceeloz replied.

After buzzing the nurses to bring up their son, all Aubree could do was think. 'How could something so wrong feel so right?' She became lost in thought, wishing that this would have been a son between her and Dre. Now she was on the opposite side of life, this man was not her own, and this family was not one that would be bragged about. Although her baby was a blessing, Aubree pondered on the fact that he was created in total sin. She had just had just given birth to the baby of married man.

"Thank you." Ceeloz said to the nurse after retrieving his baby boy from her arms. "He's so light. Just like his mama. That's that Puerto Rican in him."

Ceeloz began gazing into his son's eyes and walking around the room with him, tuning the rest of the world out as Aubree watched them in the distance. As wrongfully crazy as this was, she admired the two, and she admired the father that Ceeloz was to his children. The way he interacted with them, giving them his full attention, and nurturing them as a great father should almost made her feel as though she had done something right. Although she knew the way that her son would be raised would be confusing, she could almost sense that Ceeloz would always be there for him.

"What's him name?" Ceeloz questioned.

"Cincere...with a C." Aubree replied.

"Cincere with a C. I like that. I like that a lot." Ceeloz smiled, looking back at his son who was sleeping peacefully, cradled in his big strong arms.

Baby Cincere was the spitting image of Ceeloz. He was six pounds and nine ounces, caramel light bright skin, which he inherited from Aubree, and Ceeloz's hazel eyes, with a head full of extremely curly hair.

"Hey li'l man. Hey little me. I'm your daddy..."Ceeloz smiled, "I love you little Cincere Ceszar...King Ceszar." He laughed.

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