:: The Accident ::

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6 years later...

Kagome's Pov

Dear journal,

Life is so good now, I'm happy, especially with my daughters around, they are my pride and joy, I love them with all of my heart. I have a job working as a waitress/singer at a restaurant called "Lucky Star", its an amazing place to work at. My daughters just started kindergarten this year, they are great in school, according to their teacher, but she say kaori don't really like to interact with the other students, while on the other hand, kaoru loves to make friends. Right now the girls are outside playing, I have a week off of work, because there was a incident that we aren't suppose to speak about, but I'm cooking dinner tonight, we're having stake and salad, the girls love eating stake, sometimes they act just like...... never mind, anyways, dinner is almost ready, so I need to call the girls inside.

Sincerely, kagome.


No Pov

Kagome closed her journal, put it behind her pillow, and got up off of her bed, she walked out of her room and went down the stairs and out the back door to call her daughters inside, but she didn't see them running around and playing like they usually do when she's cooking dinner, and this made kagome start to worry.

"Kaori?! Kaoru?! Where are you?!" Kagome yelled.


"Kaori?!! Kaoru?!! Its time for dinner, come inside!!!" Kagome yelled, getting more worried for her six year old daughters.


Kagome ran in the house and up the stairs to her daughters room to check and see if they were in there, when she got in the room, she checked and saw that they weren't there, so she ran to her mother's room and saw that her mother was sleeping, she ran over to her mother's bed and shook her until she woke up.

" Mom!!! Mom!!! Please wake up!!!!!!" Kagome yelled.

Sakura eyes opened when she felt herself being shook and she heard her daughters yelling.

"Kagome? Honey what's the matter?" Sakura said while sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"The twins!! I can't find them mom!!!" Kagome said as tears sprung to her eyes.

Sakura eyes went wide.

"What you mean you can't find them!!!" Sakura yelled at her daughter.

"They aren't outside playing like they usually are when I'm cooking dinner, I checked in their room, but they wasn't in there either, mom I'm worried, what are we gonna do?" Kagome said while crying.

Sakura got out of her bed and started walking towards the door, she looked back at her daughter with a determined look on her face.

" Where gonna find them, let's go kagome." Sakura said.

Kagome nodded her head.

"Right." Kagome said as she stood up and followed after her mother.


**Rewind a little bit**

Kaori and kaoru was outside playing, well more like kaoru was playing, while kaori sat by a tree and watched her sister play with disinterest, that is until kaoru came over to kaori and begged her elder sister to play hide and seek with her. It took a few minutes of begging and a few minutes of saying no, until kaori finally gave in to her sisters begging and agreed to play with her.

::The Daughters He Never Knew::  a inuyasha fanfic :: sesshomaru love story::Where stories live. Discover now