•Chapter Nine•

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"Taryn? You awake?" Erik? No. His voice is deeper than that. I opened my eyes and looked around. Was I at the infirmary? Oh yeah. I got freaking shot. "Hey, wakey wakey."

I grinned and turned around to Bobby's shining smile, "Aye." Rogue and Mystique were here as well. Had they stayed here all night? Damn. "So. Um. How long was I out for?"

Mystique shook her head, "Only a few hours. The wound wasn't THAT bad." Oh, good. I looked over at my bandaged shoulder and rolled it. No pain at all. Might as well unwrap it then. "Must be niiiiice~" I heard Mystique say in a sing-song voice.

"Well excuse me!" I sat up and stretched my limbs. Oh, look at that. I'm only wearing a tank top and shorts. "So do one of you guys want to tell me WHO UNDRESSED ME WHILE I WAS UNCONSCIOUS??" Everyone scurried out of the room like scared rabbits.

Then Professor Xavier rolled in with his wheelchair, a warm smile on his face, "Hello, Taryn. Better already?" I shrugged and leaned over to grab my sweatshirt. "Before you get up, I have good news. Logan, would you tell the others to come in please." Wolverine, Mystique, Storm, Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, Archangel, Jean and Hank entered the room. They were all wearing strange suits. Black with a big 'x' on the chest. Strange.

"Taryn. You have shown magnificent skillset in the presentation of your abilities. Though you may not see it, I have. You are special. Unique. You stand out from the others. Which is why I picked you for the Danger Room. And, which is also why I'd like you to be part of the X-men." Wait what? X-men? "Yes. Jean, will you do the honors?" With that, Jean walked forward and held a box out to me, contents unknown. I took it and opened it, half expecting a squirrel to jump out. But no. It was an outfit that looked exactly like everyone else's.

I grinned, "Thank you~" Confusion filled my face. "But what is the X-men exactly?"

"Seems we'll have to show you." Charles gave me that smile again.

(( Okay. I'm sorry about the short chapters DX I was thinking about combining this chapter and chapter ten together but nah. The chapters will get longer. I swear. Cx I also apologize for the delay in updating, as I was revising this chapter. ))

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