•Chapter Three•

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(( This chapter gets kind of corny. You'll see what I mean xD ))

"Soooo, Taryn. What can you do?" Warren asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves, nervous to show them my abilities, "Well..I might as well show you." Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and exhaled. Ice crept down my arms, spinning through the air and down to the ground. I opened my eyes and watched it disperse around me, covering the grass in a thin layer of ice. I rose my arms quickly and clenched my fists.

The ice rose up to the air and formed into large ice sculptures. There was a horse, a bear, two deer, and one last sculpture of myself. They were all glistening, the sun's rays reflecting off of the see-through figures.

Then I extended my fingers and they all exploded, quickly turning to snow. It fell from the sky in thick flurries, swirling through the air. I grinned and waved my arm, snowflakes traveling with it. To finish my act, I spun once and brought my arms to my body. The snow turned to ice and made its way back to my sleeves, settling on the skin of my arms.

"Whoa!!" I turned to see both boys' jaws wide open, shocked. "Your powers are just like mine!" Bobby exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

I ran a hand through my messy hair and mumbled, "That's not all." Rolling my shoulders a bit, I extended my pure white wings to their full length, feathers stretching.

Warren blinked, surprised, "Wings, too?" I looked over to see a pair of wings unfurl from his own back, white just like mine!

"So..you guys..are just like me! Is that why they call you Iceman and Archangel?" I questioned, an unstoppable grin on my face.

"Indeed. All we need now is a name for you." Bobby crossed his arms over his chest, probably thinking of a name to give me. I thought as well. "It doesn't even have to go with your abilities. So. Taryn, what else can you do?"

I thought for a moment, "I can heal people with my ice abilities. And well...if I try hard enough, I can seek out any information from a person through any kind of contact."

Then Warren snapped his finger, "I got it! Seeker!" I thought about the name for a second. Seeker. It seemed fitting. Before I could respond, I looked up and saw people standing outside of the school, all staring at me. But it wasn't just a few. No. Most likely everyone from that building was outside. I saw Professor Xavier in the middle of everyone, a warm smile on his face.

I didn't even get a chance to introduce myself before everyone exploded in excitement, cheering and running up to me to greet me.

"Hi there!"

"Nice to meet you!"

"That was so cool!"


"Will you be my friend?"

I couldn't stop smiling. This was unbelievable! I had never gotten this much attention in my life! I never had real friends at home. I think I'm right where I need to be. With people who are just like me.


Because that's what I am.

And, hell, am I proud of that.


I met so many people last night. All of them with spectacular abilities.

Kitty Pryde had the power to phase through anything. Storm could change the weather and manipulate it however she wanted. Wolverine, well you probably already knew, has adamantium claws. His skeleton is basically made of it. He can also regenerate skin cells and heal at a faster rate than normal. Rogue could take and use anyone's power, as long as she's in contact with them. Quicksilver could run as fast as he wanted and couldn't be seen. I think he might have taken the key to my house, but I didn't mind.

Then there was Magneto, or as Professor Xavier called him, Erik. Apparently they've been friends since childhood. But Erik's still about my age. But why should I question it?

Well anyway. He had the power of magnetism manipulation. I also found out that he, too, could fly! It's called magnetic flight. And I say it's the coolest thing ever. He wears this cowl that grants him immunity to telepathic attacks. So if someone with telekinesis wanted to control him, they couldn't as long as he was wearing the helmet.

"So you see? I can do whatever I want with the metal I use. Bend it into any shape." Erik grinned as he spoke. I watched him raise his hand, lifting the lamp post up from the ground. He used both hands to shrink the post down to ball form before molding it in between said hands. When he was finished, Erik handed me the paperweight and it had taken on a star form. "Welcome to Professor Xavier's School for Gifted blah blah blah."

I smiled, tucking the metal star into my pocket, "Thank you." After that, I had gone back inside to Professor X's office to get my room number.

"Ahhh, Taryn. Met everyone already?"

"Seems so. They're all so nice, Charles. I feel happier than I've ever been." I just couldn't stay still in the chair I sat in. I felt like I could run around this whole building sixty three times.

Professor X chuckled, "I can tell. Now; you will be sharing a dorm with Mystique. Here is your room number." I took the card, wondering who this Mystique girl was. Oh wait! She was the one who could turn into anyone she wanted. Right.

I thanked Charles and walked down the hall to find my room. Until I bumped into someone.

"Oof..!" I was about to go into a huge apology when I looked up and saw Erik standing in front of me, holding me up from falling. "Oh hey."

"Just 'hey', huh?" A warm smile spread across his face. "See you around." I waved as he left down the hall. Was that a flirt? I think so. Anyway. I finally made my way to my dorm and opened the door. Kitty was sitting on the bed to the left, reading. She looked up and instantly gleamed, standing up from the bed.

"Um, am I in the wrong room? Oh wait. You're Mys..." I just barely mumbled.

Before I could finish my sentence, she morphed back to herself, "Mystique, yes. And you're Taryn, am I right?"

I nodded, running a hand through my hair, "Indeed."

"Well. Nice to meet you again. I took the liberty of picking my bed, since I didn't think I'd be getting a roommate." Mystique shrugged, plopping back down on her bed.

I simply shook my head, "That's alright. I like being near the window anyway~"

"Alright then." She smiled before going back to her book. Then she slammed the book shut and turned to me. "Hey, you wanna do something fun?"

A smirk instantly formed across my face at the sound of fun.

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