•Chapter Eight•

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I was on a roll. Swiftly dodging bullets. Until a loud shot rang out through the battlefield. I heard a shriek come from close by. But it didn't come from one of my teammates. I had made the sound. I fell to my knees, clutching my shoulder. "SNIPERS! WATCH OUT, STORM!!" My voice was shaky. But I think Storm heard me. Because she instantly put up a dense fog, blocking the snipers' vision. I moved silently, slowly, given the fact that I just got shot.

"Hey kid, snipers are on the tops of those two buildings. Total of four. You got the left, I got the right. Seem fair?" Wolverine's voice came up beside me. I nodded and grabbed his arm with my good hand, unfurling my wings, and taking off into the air. The fog was a bit thinner near where the snipers were, so I was able to see where the two were. I dropped Logan off and watched him roll onto the building and take out his first sniper. Then I made my way over to the opposite building where I slammed my feet into the first sniper's back. He made a choking noise before falling over the edge of the building. I watched this, a laugh bubbling from my mouth.

"Freeze! Stay where you are!" Of course I freaking forgot the other sniper. Here we go.I turned around and put my hands behind my head. Ice started creeping along my arms, spreading across my skin. "Get on the ground!" But I did the exact opposite. I leapt up into the air and instantly felt bullets hitting my skin. He had a pistol too? Are ya kidding me? There'd most likely be bruises there, but I didn't mind.

My wings flicked open and carried me through the air. Not before I shot back down and grabbed that damned sniper by his throat, squeezing as hard as I could. His eyes basically popped out of his head as he choked for air. I grinned when his neck completely snapped, his body going limp.

A buzzing noise rang out through the arena and the soldiers immediately stopped attacking. They fell to the ground and the room changed back to its normal state. What the hell?

I flew back down to the ground, confused as to what was happening.

"Danger Room Sequence: Over."

Oh, duh. I breathed a sigh of relief and my group recouperated. Shock filled each of their faces, except Wolverine.

"You're hurt!"

"Are you alright??"

"Taryn, why didn't you tell us?"

"Pfft. Doesn't look that bad." Logan commented, brushing himself off. Oh, I was gonna kick his ass. We aren't all gifted with his instant healing factor.

Speaking of that. My wound. I didn't even feel it. I looked over and saw the blood that coated my upper arm and sleeve. Jeez. I'm surprised I didn't pass out from blood loss.

Then everything started getting blurry. Speak of the devil. I slurred my next words, not even knowing what just came out of my mouth. My eyes fluttered shut, and next thing I knew, I felt my body hit the ground and the whole world went black.

(( This one's short but eh. I couldn't figure out anything else. BUT CLIFFHANGER! WILL TARYN LIVE OR DIE. Nah, she ain't gonna die. I promise you that c: ))

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