Helpful and Nice.

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turtle82107 your suggestion will be included in the next chapter! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you.

My alarm went off and I slammed it with my fist. "Ugh. Monday." I groaned as I rolled out of bed and landed face first on the carpet. 'Great start.' I thought to myself. I threw on some random stuff from my wardrobe and actually had a decent outfit.

 I threw on some random stuff from my wardrobe and actually had a decent outfit

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I threw on my 'I Woke up like this' beanie and didn't bother with makeup. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and rushed out the door with an apple in my mouth. I wasn't late but I was rushing to see my friends after the long weekend.

I stepped into the school and it was quite empty like it always is at this time. So many people always show up late and get detentions it's so unbelievable. I saw Colby sitting on the first floor windowsill surrounded by his friends and laughing. He never talked to me so I just assumed he didn't like me, I still somehow managed to muster up some feelings for him.

*Magical time skip brought to you by the almighty kebab man*

First period was Art and we were studying the work of Andreas Lie. I must say his work is amazing.

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 Colby sat two spaces away from me and was usually making jokes with everyone else around him

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Colby sat two spaces away from me and was usually making jokes with everyone else around him. I occasionally cracked a laugh but was quiet and attempted drawing because I wasn't exactly the social type.

I snuck a quick peek at the fox he was drawing and it was absolutely incredible. He had the shape perfect and was beginning on drawing the landscape inside.

Soon the lesson was over and it felt so quick... I rushed to my locker and managed to trip over myself. My face collided with the floor and my notebooks went everywhere. It didn't hurt that much but I was losing pages of my important notes. "Let me help you." A voice came from behind me. Colby rushed to my side and began picking up all my books while I got up and brushed myself off. "Thanks..?" I said while he handed me the books and walked off to his next class. Science.

He sat on the table to my right in science as the tables were made to seat 6 each. We were setting up an experiment and Colby and his table had already finished. He came up behind me and snaked his arms around me to adjust the experiment to set it up correctly. I look up behind me to see him still focusing and he smiles at me, he finishes what he was doing and walks back to his group.

'Why was he being so nice and helpful?' None of this made sense but it just made me fall for him even harder. I watched as he smiled at the jokes his best friend and a random girl in his group made. I couldn't help but be slightly jelous...

The bell rang and I walked to my Spanish class where I happened to sit behind him. While doing the register we had to say something we liked doing, when my name was called I began speaking: "Me gusta escuchar música" Colby turned around to face me while I spoke which made me a bit nervous since he didn't pay attention to anyone else. (This but was inspired by my crush because this actually happened)

During class I kept getting things wrong. "You need some help?" He turned his chair around to face me and he helped me during the lesson.

During lunch I saw him sitting at his table with his friends. They'd normally spend a while in the cafeteria before leaving to do God knows what.

*Time skip brought to you by Brennen getting 1M on insta*

Last period was Geography. Half way through the lesson my friend (Katie) who sat next to me started fiddling with her pen because it had run out. "Hey, do you have a spare pen?" She whispered. I just shook my head as she turned to the table behind us to talk to Colby. (Btw this is inspired by something that happened with my crush too so fangirl for me xD) He handed her the pen and I kept rolling my eyes, she noticed my jealously and let me use his pen while she used mine. She asked Colby is he wanted his pen back. He nodded but hesitated for a second afterwards. "Who's using it?" He was curious. "Y/n is." She replied, for some reason being quite proud of herself. "Well... She can keep it if she wants..." His face turned a dark shade of red. (Yes this happened with me and my crush, yea I still have the pen, yes you have permission to freak the fuck out)

While walking to the next class I bumped into Colby. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I blankly ask. "What do you mean?" His face looks confused. "You barely ever talk to me and today you've helped me every chance you get." "Why are you being so nice to me?" I repeated. "Uhhh..." He scratches the back of his neck while I fold my arms in front of him. "Well..?" I ask, getting tired of getting no response. "I like you..." His whisper being just about audible. My arms fall to my sides and a smile spreads across my face.

"I like you too." I hug him and while walking to last period he holds my hand. Our fingers interlocked together.

I couldn't have been happier.

Hope you guys liked this! It was kinda a mixture of Colby stuff with fantasies and things that happened with my crush Lolz
Thinking about starting some crush x reader one shots..?

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